Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Poptropica Account Hack

BMW 735i - diagnosis of kidney disease

Markus' Hobby geht sprichwörtlich an die Nieren. Nicht dass er irgendwelche für „normal denkende“ Leasingvertragsnehmer unbegreifliche oder gar verstörende Spleens hätte, nein, seine Freizeit widmet er ganz der   bajuwarischen Traditionsmarke BMW mit ihrem charakteristischen Kühlergrill in Nierenform. Man muss dazu sagen, dass er selbst gar nicht der Meinung ist, dass er so BMW-verrückt sei, aber macht euch am Besten ein eigenes Bild! Markus ist im Schwabenländle aufgewachsen, unweit der Heimat des Sterns, und eigentlich hätte es doch nur die logische Konsequenz sein müssen, dass heute in seiner Garage statt 5er ein W123 oder statt 7er ein W126 steht. Doch der Zufall it was different.

In 1990, the turning point for him. No, not yet from Mercedes to BMW or from East to West. Not even with the words "We the people", but with: "I am a car driver," To his own little rebellion began on German roads, which now has just come to those such as solidarity contribution and this is not likely to survive for years ! It was said for him is scrapped once - Matchbox cars for driver's license! The now often required environmental awareness had his family back to a time when words such as hybrid or emission sticker still far away were, for his first car, a 1980 Renault 5 had, first his mother and later his older sister passed it around. Then Mark was finally his turn and was now the now 10-year-old French compact "Apply", like many others, the clothes of the big brothers and sisters.
times I call effective use of resources! Share and use up rather than scrapping and living on credit, to annoy the neighbors.

After six months and several trips he thinks of a '81 BMW 518 to the Mark after a short time, as er es selbst ausdrückt, durch einen „Hagelschaden“ verlor –   es hat ihn damit „umgehagelt“. Die Rebellion auf deutschen Straßen fand dadurch ein jähes Ende und für ein Dreivierteljahr galt es nun für ihn als Fußgänger den Alltag zu bestreiten.

Im Jahr 92 folgte ein 84er BMW 520i, bis im heißen Sommer 93 der Ruf nach einer Klimaanlage laut wurde. Diese fand er dann auch recht zügig. Das Gute daran, es war sogar noch ein 81er BMW 635CSI mit Sportschaltgetriebe, hartem Fahrwerk, Standheizung und allem Schnickschnack um die Klimaanlage herum verbaut. Ein „Tuning“ für bessere Acceleration, in the form of solid rust, it was free.
His commentary on the first of 6, not the lottery, but in his car driving careers: "... and rust, but of something - you could see through the wheel arches. Among other ... but it is a 6, which were still really expensive. Bought endless fun and luckily found a sucker who bought the box 1994.

But even during the first 6-turbulent time, there are some anecdotes in addition to the red thread "BMW". In winter 92/93 was given Mark an Opel Rekord, which built it no longer Europe has, since the car did not survive long enough to be properly anchored in the memory. It is rumored that the premature death of the record had to do with a buddy on New Year's Eve, the more it was not on his feet.
in itself upsetting partygoers on New Year's Eve are just a special feature like a pimp on the neighborhood, said the only dude tipped to suffer along with the record. But as a real friend, the "Stuntman reluctantly" apologized to Mark, as he gave him a '77 Benz with 250cc machine as a replacement. That is true friendship!

Obwohl es kein BMW war, so findet Markus gute Worte für die schwäbische Familienschleuder: „'Nen Haufen Spaß und hohe Tankrechnungen gehabt. Außerdem erstes Auto, das ich selbst „restauriert“ habe: Pappe, Spachtelmasse und diverse Sprühdosen. Auto sah lustig aus“.

Was dann im Jahre 1994 folgte – erster 6er und 250er Benz waren inzwischen verkauft -, sollte die ultimative Krönung zum Rebellen der Landstraße und Autobahn für ihn bedeuten. Markus hatte weiterhin seinen 520i, aber einen BMW M 635CSi in Aussicht. Markus erinnert sich: „Ein 84er M635CSI one about a dealer, the one actually buys anything. I still scraped together all the coal, covered Bißle account and the 22-year-old boy is rumgefahren with 'precious 10 year old M6 - 286 hp and 255 peak in 1994, still a significant announcement. Also discovered that such a car is only in good weather - that is still down 520 ... and next winter 'nen down rocking clubs C Kadett station wagon with no lock and windows, which were secured with wooden wedges. The wedges are sometimes dropped, then you're just being open in freezing temperatures. In addition, all leaks and always first scraping the outside - then the inside. Truck was ready and in the spring to put an advertisement in the newspaper. Always, if someone came along, before engine went hot and tires inflated. But people have me eingerannt the booth ... "

The M635CSI was too good for everyday life. So once had a 6 for her daily fun, because what brings one of the 6 in the lottery, if one is left only rarely comes to account? Well, there would be interest and expresses its standing M635CSI by the increase in value, but let's be honest - if he is, he's just as much fun as winning the lottery untouched in the account. So, how now resist the temptation of the M6 \u200b\u200b"burn" in everyday life or to squander in a figurative sense, the Lotto-Million?

The solution to this dilemma came in 1997, almost 3 years later, in the form of a 628CSI, who was without a spoiler, but with automatic transmission, all the way Markus taste. so had the new acquisition initially real stamina to prove, as Mark for the first shot down a Fiat and a short time later, irony of fate, killed by the Bavarian 6-Ender a doe. But these incidents brought the vehicle on the scrap, but Mark for the first time to the welding device. Two winters, the 628CSI from the ground up and restored at the end Mark had two good 6 in the garage. Then the restored 628er served as a car or travel time as well as to draw certainly stylish way a boat.

2001, the uncle of Mark wanted to scrap his '82 525i. It came, as it had come - Markus got the car to the battles for his 520i, which had seen with 300 thousand km on the clock better times. Problem was that the 525i, according to Mark, as saugeil "turned out and so the 520 killed in favor of the 525i and then, after a fulfilling life, pressed. This final separation was, however, Markus far from easy - did "really hurt ... so had the 10 years of ", his comment is this.

That should be Mark's history, you'd better talk about bias, was enough info. Now we come finally to the 7 Series on this site and his personal history. As Mark came to this car and what is so special and everyday heroes, makes I let him talk for yourself, for who could better person than the transgressors of the Bavarian Altblechs?
"2002, then called a buddy that he" wants to look at NEN 735er to him may to slaughter. He asked if I wanted to. "Yeah, ok" I said. So get together every now and then:
A 735er (!!!), with 367,000 km manual transmission, air conditioning, electric front windows, alloy wheels, sport seats and 2 t towing capacity with a detachable coupling for the trailer were even accessories matching mirror for the 7 series there. With new TÜV (which they would make more), place the Bavarian war horse cost 500 €. The 7 Series was never tempted me so far, but the sense of space inside - somewhere far to the right ist'n passenger seat in the back somewhere, 'ne in the back seat and trunk hears is an echo. Kinda cool and a great tractor! I wanted this car!
deposit made, then a phone call that he does not get TUV, because the front badly rusted and control arms are worn out. But they would go down to 350. Consider, bought, ' n few nights of excitement and anticipation can not sleep, welded once all sides (except the door shelves, which are completely through) on it and TÜV. "

Despite its considerable mileage had the 7 soon rather eat plenty of miles. With dilapidated exhaust it went, as already other BMWs before, on holiday to Italy, where he worked in the hotel garage close "squeezed" was. Even in Italy the easily ridden down 7 Series, created a sensation. With nice Italian accent by the hotel manager Markus was an acquaintance introduced with these words: "Come iiiimer each year ... and every year with an even bigger Audo ... iiimmer with a Paanzer "

course was the tanks Baiuvarii his way back again in local clubs and enjoys today, now with 450.000km (!!!!), still relatively good health . Meanwhile, the car is no longer quite so round and clean as at the beginning of what Mark leads back to the aging and worn-injection system, and the steering is also "a bit worn out." With nearly half a million miles on the clock security to get over a blemish. Anyway because the car is very honest.
He bears the marks of his age, open to the public and no secret of the fact that there was more to him than just the work for the executive suite and a well-protected life in a heated garage. As the rear tires on wet roads, including the clear coat is losing some places the liability and has the occasional highway chase, which is good and like to go forward with speed 240, the fight against the wind lost and is gone with the wind. The right, rear door looks as if you borrowed it for a Euro NCAP frontal crash test as a barrier and done work for the modern, successful small cars destroyed brought back. The odd dent and some scratches are there are not substantial. This is what marks out a fulfilling life of a car.

falls on the test drive me immediately how quiet the car performs its work. You can hear, despite the mileage, no rattling or creaking and the sound of the engine is an idea very far away. That is quality! With its 315-hp and 218 NM torque, brings the 3.5-liter inline six-cylinder of 1550 kg empty weight well in swing, and only at official 217 km / H circuit. The 100-gallon tank one is at the local gas station attendant always liked to see, but once the tank, only two countries continue to appeal to his foreign colleagues again the next stop - if you want then.
From my own experience of the average consumption was located at 10-11 liters, stretches of motorway were even possible with about 8 liters when Tempo 100 bucks in your portfolio.
The interior with the original, optional sports seats looks quite tight and is veiled in good shape and the rest very convincing his true age and mileage. The wood could come from its grain and also maintain a current BMW luxury model.
Check-Control, a stone-age board or diagnostic computer that operates the driver aware of defects in the vehicle lighting and provides information on the level of engine oil, coolant and windscreen washer fluid, reliable. The distinctive, red lighting and other electrical workers are still functioning. Only the external digital temperature display developed in the 24 years, a mind of its own, urging Markus now and then, even in summer, to take special care because of von Glatteisgefahr. Frei nach dem Motto: „Vorsicht ist besser als Nachsicht.“

Diese erste 7er-Baureihe, intern als E23 bezeichnet, dürfte eines der ersten Autos gewesen sein, das den Weg zur Entmündigung des Fahrers frei gemacht hat. Dem Typ Autofahrer, den man heute fast nur noch antrifft. Der sich um nichts mehr kümmern muss (und auch nicht will) und dessen Sinne durch die allgegenwärtige Eigenkontrolle durch das Fahrzeug abstumpfen.
Wehe, Regen- oder Lichtsensor fallen aus. Wie will man denn dann noch fahren, wenn the car does not turn on by itself the light or the rain from the windshield wipes? It looks like nothing more! But one should not react as naturally to changing weather and light effects and is the relevant switch first and then push yourself too? Check the oil level must itself? I'm no expert! What's in the prospectus, nor very well read, can be a disaster if, for example, the electronic oil level incorrectly identified and you stand with engine failure, even though the check-control or whatever other system is best, the driver has yet assured that everything in order is. This should be just at the present time the saying "Trust but verify ist besser“ besondere Aufmerksamkeit bekommen. Und mal ehrlich - alle 1-2 Wochen nach Öl und Wasser zu schauen, bringt auch keinen um, oder?

Ob Vor- oder Nachteil, 'ne Menge elektronischer Spielereien für ein Fahrzeug diesen Alters, möchte man meinen, doch weit gefehlt -   so alt ist dieser 7er gar nicht! Markus' 735i ist einer der letzten 7er der Baureihe E23 und Baujahr 11/85. Gebaut wurde der E23 von 1977 bis 1986, wobei es 1981 eine Modellpflege gab. Dadurch erhielt der 7er eine andere Innenausstattung, verchromte Metallaußenspiegel wurden zu Kunststoffklötzen, die Frontschürze war nicht mehr aus Blech; sondern aus Kunststoff und the kidney with a narrow metal strip was wider and was also made of ... well, plastic! The typical development of the cars in the 80's just - metal to plastic. should assume
A rather modest advancement, or change it, but you can replace almost any component between the first and second series, says Markus. But remember that the E23 has an S-class competitor in the time of the Mercedes W116 developed and introduced to the market and yet the next generation S-Class W126 further, could have well stand up to six years, until his successor , the E32 was replaced.

Even the otherwise only the star standard, built-in right of way Mark was able to successfully upgrade to its 7-series and even all around! Front was attached instead of the BMW logo, a traditional green traffic light man that Mark always given priority, while the red brother emblazoned on the stern, which makes clear the traffic behind that to the passing of the 7 Series should not even be thought.
"With green you may distribute go, you stay on stand all red," goes so to Mark a lot on German roads, not only for the drivers behind him. The Departed magazine supports this ingeniously simple retrofit solution, because it attracts endlich klare Verhältnisse auf deutschen Straßen!

Im Fall des 7ers auf diesen Seiten ist noch lange kein Ende in Sicht, genauso wenig wie bei der Sammelleidenschaft seines Besitzers. So dürfte dieser runtergerockte 735i noch lange als alltägliche Opfergabe an den heutigen Straßenverkehr dienen, um die guten, bayerischen Youngtimer in Markus' Sammlung vor den Gefahren, die durch Streusalz, Glatteis und Alltagsverkehr entstehen, zu schützen. Momentan gewährt Markus folgenden bayerischen Einwanderern unbefristetes Asyl im schwäbischen „Feindgebiet“:

- BMW 525i from 1982 - due in running. - BMW 628CSI Year 30/12/1985 - Bißle worn out, but good, and above all restored condition - BMW M635CSI of 84 - unrestored, very good condition - 735i from 11/85 in ... well, funny state - 'n Opel ...
- 520i of 84 - namely, the 1985 car purchased by the father, in turn, switched to 635CSI of 11/88 is.

The latest addition I will still try the "kidney disease" come to speak for themselves:
"Oh yes ... the desire for an old car came by more and more and even though I really at the 4th Car had already said: "Now is the end!" I could not resist a 630 model, which is 700 km away north of Hamburg was. So with 7 series and the trailer pulled up and also with the 7 Series and tow rope, rusted the 630 model without cover and with solid motor out of the barn - but the first production car with little rust. Well taken ... "

This should now make any final hope for cure of this Bavarian virus destroyed and there are certainly still some side effects, in terms of new cars, occur ...

"Get Well"

This article appeared in the sold Departed Magazine # 3
Text and Photos: Matti A. Bohm

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Stiff Neck With The Stomach Bug

News # 13 video documentation in training

As you may have noticed on Tuesday may have been distributed to 2 cameras a couple of moments of the training record.
Find results:

The videos are uploaded on Youtube but can only be seen if you have the exact link.
This means they are not seen by the great general public but only by the visitors of the blog.

Whether and how far we continue the documentation of the training depends on your approval / rejection of your employees just as the film and take pictures from.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Brahmi Amla Powder Oil

Chevrolet Monte Carlo - Ready For Take Off!

Heidi and Malte from Hamburg driving a Chevrolet Monte Carlo. It's pilot, he Flight engineer. In 2006, she bought this piece of American automotive engineering art.

Eine Anzahl ausgewählter Bilder könnt ihr euch auch in unserem Flickr-Account ansehen. Hier geht's lang!

Dieser Artikel erschien im ausverkauften ABGEFAHREN Magazin #03

Monday, February 7, 2011

Jc Penney Salon Cost Highlights

Opel Commodore B - A touch of sportiness

160PS and more than 200km / h top speed in a middle-class family car?
early 70s was anything but usual. But as the previous model Commodore A, Opel also needed for in '72 introduced B-model, a befitting to not let the balance between the civil record and its own upper-class models with Detroit V8 units are too large .

The idea of \u200b\u200ba quick mid-Opel was the mid-60s, a certain Hans Mersheimer. The then-Opel chief designer was implantation of pure private pleasure a Chevy V8 in its C-Record. True to its motto of "We want to go left again," a vehicle was built with absolutely stunning performance.

Unfortunately, the V8 version appeared in charge at that time as profitable, which is, of course, from today's perspective, very bad. Instead, the compact 6-cylinder were grown sharply revised and with electronic fuel injection systems up to 160 hp.

ran Sun, the designed on the basis of the record C, A, between February 1967 and Commodore in July 1971 a total of 156 330 from the tape.

The Commodore B was built until 1977 140.827 times. He was also based on the record, which became in his time the best-selling mid-size car in Europe.
The differences were clear from the record. Powerful engines with 6 cylinders instead of 4, a firmer suspension, precise power steering and an extensive equipment allowed the father to ascend to the amateur racer.

However, not only in the left lane, even in motor sports the Rüsselsheim family could be proud athletes. In particular, the powerful yellow-black-Commodore A Steinmetz taught the BMW coupe, Porsche 911 and Ford Capri RS on all Racetracks in fear. Finally Opel even offered a specially tailored to the needs of rebuilding consent motor sports variant, the 2800 GS Motorsport.

Even the design of the new generation was not difficult to see. The nice hip movement in the Coke-bottle design was indeed gone, but the sequel had its own individual appeal. Where the A-model many details playful and had a typical American, the B-model was simply sporty, almost Italian-style, if you look at the smooth, sleek lines and the strikingly large windows with the fine A-pillar. It was just an American named Charles M. Jordan, zuvor Chefdesigner der Detroiter Ateliers, der diese Design-Evolution vollzog.

Dieser Artikel erschien im ausverkauften ABGEFAHREN Magazin #01
Fotos und Text: Alex Boehm

Friday, January 28, 2011

Kiddde Smoke Alarm 1276 Keep Beeping

SAAB 900 - Even as a new car a classic

Es hält sich das hartnäckige Gerücht, der Saab 900 wäre der Golf unter Creatives and individualists. But in this context the assertion voiced that the Ford Mustang was the mainstream vehicle under the pseudo-lovers American plate. In addition, the owner usually must also be "something in the media" do.

Marvin from Hamburg is also something with media. He is art director. But to his Saab 900, he came across a few detours. On an Opel Corsa was an Audi A3 and the fact a modern Saab 9-3. But Marvin was really happy with these companions. On a visit to the used car department of the local Saab dealer discovered Marvin Finally, his 900 Turbo. It was a 87er "Aero" model with the coveted 16S engine. A 2-liter 16V engine brings the standard lowered sport coupe within 9 seconds from zero to 100km / h. Thanks to the remarkable Airflowkits is the top speed 205km / h. And the beautiful sound of the full-turbos embodied together with the leather interior including heated seats as standard typical Swedish flair. Further evidence for the individuality of the old-school Saab was, for example, the arrangement of the ignition switch between the front seats and the large safety windshield, is reminiscent of an airplane cockpit. There are, however, a feature each of which has Saab: The standard seats, which had developed a Saab engineer for the first time in 1971 to relieve a suffering from back pain board member on cold, frosty morning, the pain. Shortly after this invention has been recorded in mass production.

An equally unusual solution also provides the drive concept dar. The engine is mounted longitudinally and transmits its power through three chains on the flanged directly under the engine block transmission, which drives the front wheels. A special yet ingenious design, because the transmission is practically including differential in der Ölwanne untergebracht. Im Prinzip ist die Modellreihe 900 das am besten durchdachte Fahrzeug, welches die Saab-Ingenieure je gebaut haben. Es war eben eine konsequente Weiterentwicklung des bereits sehr erfolgreichen Saab 99, wobei das Unternehmen damals ja noch Lichtjahre von der Beteiligung des späteren Mutterkonzerns GM entfernt war. Das eigenwillige Design war zwar als etwas schrullig verschrien, erinnerte jedoch an den Ur-Saab und vor allem an die Historie des Unternehmens im Flugzeugbau. Die traditionell hohe Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit ergänzte Saab beim 900er mit einem großen Kofferraumvolumen und einem straffen, äußerst wintertauglichen Fahrwerk.

Doch um auch im oberen Marktsegment zu wildern, benötigten die Schweden leistungsstärkere Motoren. Schließlich bot die Konkurrenz um Mercedes W123 und Opel Senator neuentwickelte 6-Zylinder-Triebwerke mit Leistungen an, die an der 200-PS-Marke kratzten.
Doch ein 6-Zylinder bedurfte einer kompletten Neuentwicklung und war somit für die Schweden nicht rentabel. Zudem bot das Antriebskonzept mit dem integrierten Getriebe nicht sonderlich viel Platz unter der Motorhaube. Also musste eine andere Lösung her. Mitte der 70er Jahre hatte Saab schon mit dem damaligen Konzernpartner Scania begonnen, einen Benzinmotor mit Turboaufladung zu entwickeln, welcher bereits kurzzeitig beim Vorgänger-Modell zum Einsatz kam. Doch die ersten Generationen were unfortunately not typical Saab unreliable. The turbocharger is usually acknowledged early in service, so many owners followed the tip of the workshop of his master's trust and disconnect the turbo did, but this reduced the Bleifußaktivitäten in the left lane to a minimum. Over time Saab was even this problem under control. However, it is still highly recommended, the turbo is always warm and go back to cold, which is true for all turbo cars of past model years.

Finally, you could end the 70's hardly a cool car fahren, wenn man bedenkt, dass die VW Käfer, Opel Rekords und die Ford Granadas damals das Straßenbild hierzulande beherrschten.
So kam der Saab 900 vor über 30 Jahren auf den Markt, doch richtig gealtert ist er nicht. Ob es nun an den Langzeitqualitäten oder wohlbetuchter und gewissenhafter Erstbesitzer liegt, sei dahin gestellt. Es ist ein absolutes Erfolgsmodell geworden, welches übergangslos zum Klassiker gereift ist.

Darüber freut sich auch Marvin jeden Tag, wenn er morgens in sein Auto steigt, schließlich begegnen ihm auf dem Weg zur Arbeit garantiert andere Saab 900-Piloten. Stets mit einem freundlichen Lichthupengruß – ausgenommen die älteren Herrschaften in ihren Cabrios ...

Dieser Artikel erschien im ausverkauften ABGEFAHREN Magazin #03
Text: Alex Boehm

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Gout Tophi Inflamation

All Songs From Mixtape At a glance!

The Presentation by Lil Timez

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Baby Walkers Good For Carpet

Land Rover Ambulance - If off, then do it right!

„Rein in den Großstadtdschungel!“ So oder so ähnlich lautet die Devise jeglicher SUV-Hersteller. Dass diese fettleibigen und höhergelegten Kombis für mehr als Muttis Großeinkauf   beim Vorstadtdiscounter herhalten müssen, hatten die Verantwortlichen erst gar nicht einkalkuliert.

Auch der Jungunternehmer, der normalerweise 70 Stunden in der Woche arbeitet, um am Monatsende pünktlich die Leasingrate an den örtlichen Vertragshändler rüberbeamen zu können, tupft noch mal schnell am Sonntagnachmittag „Matsch aus der Dose“ auf seinen silberblauen Audi Q7, um am nächsten Morgen auf dem Firmenparkplatz den artgerechten „Einsatz“ seines Boliden dokumentieren zu können.

that there is another way, Sven shows from Hamburg. Despite the well-developed road network in the Hanseatic city, he always has one or the other off-road path. No way to steep, no ditch too deep! is his motto. In this way the farmer is plowing all landscape alongside ever to the one or the other field. Simply because it's fun!

Whether there can keep up a Q7? We do not even know you could just send 22-inch rolls zerkratzen, was bei der Leasingrückgabe als wirtschaftlicher Totalschaden deklariert werden könnte - lieber nicht! Und überhaupt: Für ordentlichen Gelände-Fahrspaß braucht man einen richtigen Geländewagen mit jahrzehntelanger Erprobung und keinen Passat auf Plateauschuhen im Wert einer Doppelhaushälfte.

Da kam der Land Rover Ambulance 109 genau zur richtigen Zeit daher. Svens Exemplar verrichtete in seinem vorigen Leben, Anno 1979, seinen Dienst treu und zuverlässig für die holländische Armee. Es handelt sich hierbei um ein speziell angefertigtes Modell für Krankentransporte. An absolute stroke of luck for a lot of traveling and like Sven and girlfriend Annette, have transformed the former hospital patient in a multi-functional mobile home. Even the dachshund has his own place here during the long trips, as the ideal travel speed for this colossus is about 80 - 90 km / h. As the first original engine was getting on in years, donated his Sven Ambulance in some long screws evenings a 2.5-liter diesel engine with 67 HP brave from Japanese production. In this procedure was implanted at the same time an overdrive transmission. The pleasing result: On long-haul trips approved by the Ambulance only 9.5 liters per 100 kilometers.

Originally the car had room for driver and front passenger, a doctor and four patients lying. But now as vans authorized Land Rover also boasts some technical equipment, which can be the common ATU-tuner, or even just dreaming MacGyver: rear view camera, radio, extreme-Hi-Fi and 1300-watt lighting, including (!!!)- work light and searchlight. Almost futuristic look of the "residential area". The 5 000-watt bass machine (an estimated capacity to audition), which simultaneously by opening a passage to the cab allows strongly evokes the "Flux compensator" which Marty McFly traveled back to the future. A pity that the country is not Rover 100 on km / h mark, a trial would worthy.

But before the doctor and his four patients, the interior reclaim for itself, we are better on the other goodies: fitted kitchen including gas cooker, compressor fridge, hot water boiler, espresso machine, Ausklappbett, table, Chemieklo, numerous storage compartments and folding dog kennel complete the feel-good offer. To ensure adequate energy supply a 100 Ah starter battery, two gel batteries and four solar panels on the roof. Thus the LCA still more higher, the roof was planted with Sedumpflanzen which thrive since 12 years.

test trips to Scandinavia to southern France or prove the reliability of this companion. Because this could Land Rover prepared really well for every application, a dinghy, a complete outdoor equipment and an electric scooter is in the worst case spontaneously to a circumnavigation of the earth start on four wheels. At a real SUV's always reliable!

This article appeared in the sold Departed Magazine # 03
photos and text: Alex Boehm