Monday, November 29, 2010

Rcx Rules Sales Staff Listr

photo shoot "Dani + Chevrolet Caprice

From the shoot for issue # 6, we have brought not only great pictures of Dani and her moving bed, but also a decent burnout video.

The pictures are as always with 's Flickr the video on Youtube !

photos: Jel Car Photography

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mastubate Objects Femail

The" English Patient "

On beginning there was as always the question: "Why? "I can basically just a" so just answer ". Of rational consumer choice, I am in my now 22 years of Opel vehicles passion think I have moved away about 20 years ago. Now it's all about style, size (and hence for I never been a cadet, regardless of the type in question would be) and of course rear wheel drive!

Well, and I've staked out a very narrow field for driving pleasure. All Ascona, Manta Rays and all records were almost all times then eventually "mine." The "big three from Rüsselsheim, the KAD series, then, were one day so affordable that they could be in the form of a diplomat 2.8E and later classified V8 in the circle of the elect. Then quickly followed by their successors, like Monza and Senator-A to A and omega-Senator-B. Only the Admiral-A, more or less a childhood dream of mine was missing a long time the collection was, but then, thanks to acquire Internet auction house and at some point in Baden-Wuerttemberg.

And so it was mid 2006, I just put in the preparations for our annual Ascona-A/B-Treffen, which also should not take place in Ascona (Switzerland), when I enter the same shot through the head that a Bedford-flash is on my list was missing.

Equipped with zero car knowledge, and as much about supply and demand for this brand strangest model of Opel I cried the first time to my friend Dirk, a car salesman: He may yet even the eyes and ears open, it is not hurried.
I myself had the idea, very expectation that it would probably take until Dirk answers, also rejected again. To me, so 14 days later, again came to mind. I was always away from the computer, so I began to seek views on the web. Neither the number one online used car portals, nor in the number two, I found one. "Well ...", I thought aloud," you have done what you so! "(Later, I got behind it, that I would not at Opel, Vauxhall but need to look at.)

Also warf ich den Begriff „Bedford-Blitz“ mal einer Suchmaschine hin, und siehe da, die Antwort kam prompt in Form des Bedford-Blitz-Forums. In dieses Forum war tags zuvor eine Verkaufsanzeige gesetzt worden, mit dem Titel: „Zwei sind Einer zuviel. Verkaufe 78’er Bedford-Blitz“. Dieses Angebot war so viel versprechend, dass ich nach Übermittlung weiterer Bilder und einer Besichtigung durch einen in der Nähe wohnenden Freund, eine Anzahlung per Überweisung leistete, um mir den Wagen zu sichern. Die Abholung bei Würzburg erfolgte dann gute 5 Wochen später auf dem Rückweg aus der Schweiz. Es war somit einer der ungewöhnlichsten Autokäufe, die ich until then RIP.

The "English Patient" took me with his belt already driven 1800 machine and loaded with many added parts home safely. Only one ignition wire had to be replaced until it finally went on the A7 north.

The car was the remnant of a formerly well-equipped motorhome. The interior was only present fragmented and was able to remain in any case. Also showed the 4-translated and poorly graded 1800s engine at highway driving absolutely annoying. There is a mandatory winter break So much was clear: get out machine (was not there somewhere in the depths of my hall, he and a 2.2 automatic?) renovation and expansion and child-friendly design!

that from the 2,2 ', he became a 3.0i 24V with automatic then, partly because of the love of these engines and the other on the glut of these engines in my fund. Despite the drag coefficient of a fitted kitchen with this engine at speeds beyond the needs 200km/h-Marke no problem.
for the adequate equipment now provides a bench with intriguing 3-point belts, and driver and front passenger will find custom Omega-chairs. The copy of the original and fully operational Combination of sitting and sleeping area does the rest to make Bedford a full-fledged family car.
The body was needed, except for the change attributable to changes in the aggregate, no hand to work and so was this point with an extended cavity sealing checked off quickly.

If you start with a "British" involved, one must increase, in addition to language skills, not just his tool box and his cabinet screws, but his circle of acquaintances. A car that not many people know and whose current registration figures in this country well at the height of Aston Martin Lagonda, are not very - we'll see from the still-numerous Bedford Hymer mutations - requires a whole new horizon screwdriver. And when you have to Alt-Opel Meet a master of "early" does that beats up his hands over his head when he thinks of the Bedford and when this master then stories like: "... we have previously solved forever, Who will repair, or there was a colleague who had other views Mist built, "is on its own, so then you know it's the right decision, a Badford to drive flash !

This Article appeared in the sold Departed Magazine # 01
Text: The Commander
Photos: Jel Car Photography

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Sample Letter Ofinterest In A Sorority

cover shoot for issue # 06

for the current issue # 06, we model Kiki and the barn find Lotus Super7 photographed a number of selected pictures you can watch in our Flickr account. Click here to go long!

photos: Jel Car Photography

Best Color Sell House

Detroit - the presence of the Motor City

is taken today in the only true city car, it may be the last boom of the once glorious automotive industry only guess. The city in which ran until the middle of last century, 9 of 10 all American automobiles from the band has lost its luster long ago.

© GM Media
With the outsourcing of production to the suburbs or mostly in the south of the country, began the "Big Three, General Motors, Ford and Chrysler in the late 1960s. Urbanization, unemployment and social conflicts were the fatal consequences of which the Motor City could not recover until today.

Ransom Olds opened in 1899 the first car factory in Detroit. A short time later followed by other reasons such as Henry M. Leland (Cadillac Automobile Co.), David D. Buick and Henry Ford, who introduced in 1913, the assembly line to produce his Model T still cheaper to.

General Motors was on 16 September 1908 by William C. Durant founded, which acquired in the coming years, many other brands such as Buick, Oldsmobile or Cadillac. expanded in the 20's the "big three" in many European countries, was acquired including the then-largest car manufacturer in Europe, Opel in Rüsselsheim, GM.

© GM Media

Die Entwicklung des Automobils war kaum zu stoppen. 1939 wurden die ersten Automatikgetriebe bei Oldsmobile eingebaut. Mit der Ära der ersten Straßenkreuzer kam 1951 die Servolenkung auf dem Markt. Auch das Design entwickelte sich seit Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts ständig weiter. Verglichen mit den ersten „motorisierten Kutschen“ setzten die Modelle der 30er Jahre ganz neue Maßstäbe. Der Cadillac La Salle war das erste von einem Designer entworfene Auto.
Spätere Modelle der 60er und 70er Jahre aus den Detroiter Ateliers galten damals als Taktgeber modernen Industriedesigns. Wer sich die schönen Linienführungen der damaligen Karossen anschaut und diese mit den aktuellen charakterlosen compares model series, knows what a positive influence of the economic success of the automaker had the time to the designer.

© Chrysler Group LLC.
The city grew rapidly density, factory workers were needed and also very well paid. When asked why Henry Ford paying his workers so well, he replied, logically: "That they can not afford my car."
The "Big Three" provided the car city. In Detroit it was the first city motorway, the first big shopping malls in the suburbs. It was a skyscraper after another. Theater and cinema palaces lining the streets. Pride 1955 the tramway was dismantled, which had become unprofitable, the workers could and did afford a car. But the turnaround was prompt: the "Detroit Riots", social unrest escalated in each of the years 1943 and 1967 led to the white working class from the center of almost hastily moved to the suburbs, where it was quiet.

Nearly 2 million people once had the Motor City at the height of automotive advancement. Today there are just 900,000 people. Most of them live in the suburbs, suburbs with nice, clean house and garden. 78% of the population are white with above-average incomes.

The contrast to Detroit Downtown offers: Expired, burned houses dot the cityscape. Many department stores, offices and public buildings are deserted. In some streets is like Motor City a ghost town.

© GM Media

In einschlägigen Gegenden wird an roten Ampeln generell nicht angehalten, zu groß ist die Angst, Opfer eines am hellen Tage stattfindenden Raubüberfalls zu werden. Und das mit Recht: Die Stadt rangiert auf Platz drei der US-Kriminalstatistik.
Viele Fenster sind mit Sperrholzplatten vernagelt, Hunde streunen umher. Aus verwahrlosten Fabrikgebäuden demontieren Junkies Kupferbleche und Regenrinnen aus Metall, um ihre Sucht zu finanzieren. Insgesamt leben nur noch
26% der Bewohner in der Inner City. In den letzten 30 Jahren wurden über 100.000 Gebäude abgerissen, Neubauten kamen kaum hinzu. Der Großteil der Flächen sind nun Brachland, Wiesen oder ungepflegte Parkplätze.

Staatliche Versuche der Reurbanisierung hatten bislang nur mäßigen Erfolg. 1977 wurde am Detroit River das Renaissance Center errichtet, welches mit integriertem Hotel, Restaurants, Geschäften sowie mit modernen Büroflächen zur Stadtbelebung beitragen sollte. Heute ist es das Hauptquartier von General Motors - einst der größte Autobauer der Welt, im vergangenen Jahr kurz vor dem Aus.

Aktuelle Bilder aus der Motorcity gibts bei Flickr .

Dieser This article appeared in the sold Departed Magazine # 01
Text: Alex Boehm

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Uncensored Brazilian Waxing Movies

ISSUE # 06 - Now available!

Current Issue! # 6 of the Departed magazine, it will be interesting on the following:

BMW E28 - Road guerrillas 520i
Opel Diplomat V8 - A car with history
Chevrolet Caprice - How fresh from the junkyard pulled
Ford Mustang III - 5.0 V8 Cobra
Ford Mustang - Eleanor's Bad Sister
Ford Taunus - A P7a everyday
Banjo GT Coupe - 1 of 3
Wartburg 311 - The yet to be painted yet, right?
Volkswagen Type 1 - ratty, Loud, Geil!
stock order!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Python Is Not Recognized

second Classic Rally Rüsselsheim

Last weekend we participated with two teams in the Classic Rally Rüsselsheim and 13 and 16 Make way.

venue Opel workshop K48
Corsa A im Rallye-Trimm

 Wir bekamen einen Ascona A aus der Opel-Classic-Sammlung gestellt. Mit dem Flair eines "Neuwagens" ging es auf Erkundungstour durch Rüsselsheim und Umgebung.

Der Ascona auf dem Neroberg, Russisch-Orthodoxe Kirche

Mit dem Museums-Ascona durchbrachen wir die 20000-Kilometer-Marke

Second Editorial Team: KLE of Fusselblog Navigator and Marcus started in pirate .

Commodore A at the last special

Ford Mustang

The editorial team in action

Commodore B

BMW 2002

a more detailed report will be available in issue # 7. There
More pictures are in our Flickr account .

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bernard Picart Copper Engravings

News # 12 Zischtigsclub-hockey team shirts

Wie die meisten wissen, haben wir für den letzten Seuzicup Teamshirts machen lassen.

Diejenigen, welche nun nachträglich auch eines haben möchten, können sich bei mir melden und mir den gewünschten Namen, Rückennummer und Grösse angeben.

Wegen der Grösse könnt ihr sicher jemanden der schon ein Shirt besitzt, im Training fragen, ob ihr es anprobieren könnt.

Hier nochmal zur Ansicht:

Plasticwater Deflectors

Flagfootball summer 10

Wieder mal hatten wir viel Spass beim Sommerprogramm Flagfootball.

Flagfootball Sommer 10

Danke an unsere Coachs Guido und Nico.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Télécharger Best Of Brent Everett

Untertürkheimer battleship

Good day, my name is Alexander Bohm Matti. I am originally from near Oldenburg, and am half-Finnish. The enthusiasm for old cars spoke with me at a young age, my old man once had with me always Bockhorn pilgrimage or Techno Classica. Also I want time with dear old, scruffy, old Matchbox cars play that came from the flea market, than with the new from the pack.

My first truck was old, consequently, then shortly before my 17th birthday at the door. That the auctioned for 960 € B Commo my father and me many headaches for preparing all the more unexpected joy would, it was clear no later than this moment. However, I would like to thank my father Hartmut, I was dragged at a young age to the automobile lane. Ultimately resulted in my positive experience with the Commo to the fact that my father's every 3 to 4 years changing cars against an official '91 560 SEC changed. should

that the Commo to this day still 12 other more or less spent sluts could follow sheet, my old man and I guess at that time. If he had known it, he would have probably been the Commo vetoed in order to save me from the Altblechsucht. The fact I was now fully under control, and fortunately there are no substitution drug.

This addiction has now led me into Detroit of Germany - to Stuttgart, where I am completing an apprenticeship as a Mechanic in a well-known restoration operation for 300 SL. A End of this passion is not in sight and probably me, old cars employ up to my last breath and movement, especially, even if it means for me that I like Mel Gibson in "Mad Max" I would have to fight the last remaining fossil fuels.

So much for myself, we come now to the important things in life - the smell of gasoline spreading Untertürkheimer battleship on my street. What is one to write a car was on the already published so much? I could tell me the history of Swabian W116 with the same meticulous- Art devote as they have also placed well at that time, the engineers at Mercedes in the day, but this goes too far and miles past the story would tell. This is not an exhibit that preserves dead as an Egyptian Pharaoh is around somewhere. So why give the story more attention than the present? For in contrast to the aforementioned toilet paper holder Egyptian my Benz is still alive - and how!

The Benz is my life bitch, so I would rather reports on the experiences in everyday life.
I was never a big fan of 116er, but chance would have it, but I came to. After hapless affairs mit zwei Kleinwagen als Winterautos musste wieder was Amtliches her. Glück, dass mein Arbeitskollege einen 78er W116 280S hatte, der verschwinden sollte, um dem elterlichen Carport wieder Freiraum zu gönnen.
Also hingefahren, angeschaut und gleich beschlossen, den Wagen mitzunehmen und wieder auf die Straße zu bringen. Drei Jahre hatte der Wagen insgesamt gestanden, davon ein Jahr ungeschützt und ohne Drehen des Motors unter besagtem Carport. Der classicweiße Lack war stumpf wie eine Schultafel und das Weiß betonte doch sehr schön die vielen kleinen beginnenden Rostflecken. Der Wagen hatte natürlich keinen TÜV oder gar ein H-Gutachten und hielt einiges an Arbeit bereit, bot aber die perfekte Basis für einen patinierten Everyday battle cruiser that is ready for hard use in harsh war movement of the city.

Before the thousands was placed on the table, so first thorough inventory. 97tsd original miles, electric steel sunroof, power steering and automatic transmission with shift lever on the steering wheel. After a year of life was not the slightest patch of oil on the dusty ground! Even the purchase documents and the business card of the then sales were still present. After a new battery in the lavishly large engine was thrown, all consumers and ads were doing immediately and without noise in service. When you first start attempt was then first gallons of juice by the old age-octane fuel hoses, which were held together only by the fabric cover. So replaced and lo and behold the engine started to blow and no organ, and performed with his calm and reserve service, as it had at that time provided by its builders. No smoking, no cough - Departure!

The 650 km to the north lay back of the car without previous service and caused no problems. Then we went on home leave in North Germany scraping the barrel. Front and rear completely disassembled, removing rust and paint, lacquer revive brakes all round, replace all fluids and filters, work up the interior, Replace the exhaust and the usual bits and pieces that everyone knows that even bolted to an old sheet.
looked Since the 14-inch Steelies with tires and 185er-Peel anything befitting in this car and also of roadholding not very good at doing, yet contemporary 15-inch Melber-Alus came with 205 tires in the former AMG design on the car. So the fresh 116er TÜV got without any visible defects and also the H-study had only a formality.

So we went by car back to Stuttgart. I have since seen about 10tsd km everyday use of the car and on to a loose cable to the fuse box had no problems. The interior design in conjunction with the chassis offers a very comfortable, almost modern driving experience, how not to trust a 31 year old car would. The car can be in the concrete jungle, despite his nearly empty weight 1700 kg conduct absolutely sovereign and the parking is, despite its enormous size of almost 5 meters in length and 1.90 meters wide, almost an absolute breeze. Calling all engineers: build the cars back square, then we will not need parking assistance of any kind!
that the 2.8-liter inline six-cylinder "Hemi" (yes, the 280 had hemispherical combustion chambers) with cross-flow head Aluminum and double overhead camshafts and its rather sporty character (226 nm) far from ideal for this tank is in Stuttgart, will probably not be mentioned. These can be the V8 in 350, 450 or 450 9.6 version better!

the bottom of the engine looks quite tired and strained, he is however in the upper speed ranges, the whole load of wins then it considerable momentum and acceleration, even if the car is clearly a cruiser of the old school. Zero road noise, zero rattles or creaking. Everything works hardly noticeable and smooth.

's Does the light start for once, but then "Pedal to the Metal" then the burning of a Solex carburetor 160 horses pulling the coach quite vehemently to 100 km / h after the front, where the first three gears of the 4-speed automatic will be turned up. On the motorway, then at 200 and tachometer real 185-190 km / h Stop the forward thrust. From the desire for speed and the heavy wagon in conjunction with an automatic result then accordingly to high consumption levels to 19 liters of Super per 100 kilometers! Thanks to the 96-liter tank is thus still ensuring sufficient coverage, as well as a happy face every gas station lessee from Flensburg to Munich. Another point worth mentioning is the very American but with 116er design of the double, massive chrome bumpers and the large and smooth design. It almost looks as if he were milled from solid. But what shall I describe it great to just look at the pictures and you know what I mean.

Finally, one can say that the W116 is not hiding in our time must. Whether driving comfort, noise, performance, or design. He is completely without compromise suitable for everyday use - unless you're courier driver (yes, yes, the fuel consumption ...). In addition, there are enough spare parts used for this series. That the friendly Daimler dealer gets almost all new parts, is mandatory.

This article appeared in the magazine # 3 Departed Text and Photos: Matti A. Bohm

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

East Side Mario's Salad What's In It

Full speed from the curve

Is not it quite strange how some things we encountered during our childhood "in the pre-flight" , in the deepest regions of our memory set, and then one day, a volcanic eruption like to come to the surface? Triggered by subliminal stimuli as well as those through which they buried themselves once! Be it the old-radio-Tick, kidneys table collecting mania or let my model car purchase necessary. All of which suddenly and unexpectedly from the darkness of childhood memories into the light of present , To connect now to influence our actions much, if not to dominate all.
The first 10 copies of whatever kind collector's series to be excused so that "they Bözbergstrasse a". Acquired for little money or get paid. If they are the throwaway mentality left their previous owners? NO!

then begins to register too slow on that one is yes, surprisingly, not the only one for the "Plunder" interested. It is also not crystallize out in each collection group certain exotics, which are moreover still is a must to have it, but this is unfortunately often very expensive. There is then no later than the point reached where there can be no more excuse to "save them from the garbage," what drives you uttered them. And when even the hard-earned annual leave not to places of leisure and culture results, but sites with in the scene very well known and "worthwhile" flea markets simply because just missing the ONE piece yet, even then ..., then in usually all too late - it is a collector! From then on, then the reader will know, If you go often alone, at least in the family. Because the / the significant other (s) in this delusion expression to know on his site, which is still extremely rare. Since it has

Dieter, the protagonist of this story, with Nadine, his wife, but made a lot better - but look!

Dieter began about 10 years since it was early 30s, to realize his unfulfilled childhood dream. For in childhood it has "only" been a Marklin train, instead of the longed-Carrera-Bahn. About a decade now it came to pass that Dieter rummaged face down in the estate of a deceased neighbor, to the widow in the management of many, as she called it "stuff" to go to hand.
Unter kiloschweren Schmökern der letzten 5 Jahrzehnte glänzten plötzlich breite, schwarze Kunststoffplatten hervor. Ihm war dieser Anblick irgendwie vertraut. War da mal was, in vergangenen Zeiten??? Es dämmerte langsam aber sicher. Weiteres und energischeres Graben führte dann Polistil-Bahn-Segmente zu Tage.
Dieser Fund setzte eine Kettenreaktion in Gange, die bis heute anhält. Flugs wurden die ersten von bisher fast 100 Fahrzeugen gekauft. Doch erste Fahrversuche auf den Platten zeigten leider, dass die dauerhafte Unterbringung in einem feuchten Keller auch diese altern lässt. Kurzum: die Platten waren Schrott, die Luftfeuchtigkeit hatte den Metallschienen zu stark zugesetzt. Was nun??? Ab in den nearest toy store and a Carrera Starter Kit purchased.
short time later ... is

's Next in issue # 4, order here !

Text: The Commander
Photos: Jelka Tomaschewski