Friday, July 29, 2005

Compatibility Between Birthdays

Italy 1: 0 France

I wanted this summer to France. It was planned that way, yes, yes.
For it is still the screenplay for the Oscar suspects Box-office hit at my house. We wanted the same in France briefly turn times in a week. (This is only because my dear friend with whom I traveled the country by Mr. Miagi, and I act, acting on the highest level, and each scene is played only once and the thing is in the box) But

Then everything changed. Any large company came up with the idiotic idea to offer my friend a job as an account manager, and because it sounds good and my friend just keep doing nothing better, had he accepted the position. Of course, at the expense of our blockbuster. Great. Thank you also Mr. Ichbinjasooooobusyundarbeiteinzüüüüüriiii. And I had me thought about what I wear on Oscar night would be and what little sentence I could smile at the camera. This is important because if one does not really happen to a well prepared, the worst things. It could happen, for example, that my jumping in a disaster caused by reckless exuberance of movement, a breast of the dress.
I would have to lay staring into the camera and "huuuuch" said hastily put the apple back into the basket and play the little slip with artificial Losprusten. And let the Oscar goes to ...... but this is

I'm happy as mentally so flexible that I make other arrangements and throw myself on new things can. Thus it was that yesterday I had the inspiration to drive over the weekend after Berlusconi and I have two days the sun burn on his stomach, that would be. And we are doing now. So my friend Mr. Ichschmeissdenfilm and me. (To my homophilic reader: 'friend' in the classical sense is not to hold hands and Schweinkram) is

out France, Italy in it!

This has something nostalgic. I do not know anyone who did not go at least once with his parents in
overloaded car to the south. The grandest is the whole holiday ever since, papperlapapp beach, sun, and so on that trip.
Specifically, the short stops where the anxious fathers still control more quickly the tire pressure, oil level, radiator coolant and brake disc condition. While the mothers dig their eatables brought forth and want to distribute the greasy sandwiches, when there AUTOGRILL in the most delicious things there.

surrounds general, Italy's motorway service areas a very special aura. As people meet different objectives.
at once is because the entrepreneur Wolfgang Ludwig in Frankfurt, has left a few seconds before his air-conditioned 7-Series, next to the fish vendor Giuseppe from Trieste, who climbed for two hours from his Piaggio vans, on Gruppenpissoir. The uncouth nouveau-riche gets rid of noise in his troublesome winds and Giuseppe laughs.
So what is the name of international understanding, cultural bridge, or as we would say in Hip-Town, a get-together of nations. As could cut a piece of UNESCO and the likes. But unfortunately they can not - it does not lead ÖVM into the service area.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Dvd Sony Sr200p Unlocker

Pimp my vocabulary

When I was still bored in elementary school, everything was different. I was all for dumb girls and with good reason, because where I run every day at school had 800 yards there was not beautiful (which I did not then actually particularly interested, but I must have no less instinctively that such trivialities later become important to me once), nor wise. The latter bothers me only when I hated with Corinne in a group and they had to be accessible because of their physical superiority decided who had to do. The reader will guess it, lord gave birth to Levi is blessed from birth to fundamental lack of understanding of authoritarian - especially if a horse can not be distinguished from a cow, even though both are in the farm. Since I will be grumpy. So what impressed. To compensate for my anger I beat containing one (sometimes a - I can not erinnern, dass mir damals jemand gesagt hätte, man dürfe Mädchen nicht schlagen) aus meiner Klasse, der etwas schmächtiger war als ich. So ist das halt.

Ansonsten gab es sehr einfache Verhaltensregeln. Einen allgemein gültigen Konsens was man gut finden durfte und was nicht. Zum Beispiel Knight Rider. Hasselhoff war der Grösste. Und immer am nächsten Morgen nach der Ausstrahlung war als erstes Turnen. Diese Stunde hasste ich am meisten. Nicht etwa weil ich dicklich, unsportlich, oder sonst wie körperlich bemängelt gewesen wäre, sondern weil meine Eltern die absurde Vorstellung vertraten, Fernsehen verderbe den Charakter. Den Charakter!!!

Ach soooo yes, I also was only eight, because there are of course fully understand the educational experiments of late hippies. Once a week I was demoted to outsiders. I could not have a say. Although I initially tried to pretend that I had seen the show, (but it got around that "de düütsch" possessed no TV) was allowed to lie next to me. I knew nothing of "Turbo Boost" and "Super Pursuit Mode". Of course I had seen one or another program and knew what it was about, but the recent events and, more importantly, the keywords that came past me. The remaining hours of the gymnastics lesson wurden jeweils dahingehend verwendet, möglichst oft Michael oder KITT nachzuahmen. Missbilligend wurde ich mit „du heschs jo gar ned gseh“ zurechtgewiesen, wenn ich mich ebenfalls in der Anwendung von Anglizismen versuchte.

Wobei wir bei meinem eigentlichen Thema(bin wohl etwas abgeschweift) von heute wären, – Anglizismus sucks! (anm. Spruch geklaut vom T-Shirt des grossen Stu, der hier namentlich genannt werden will)

Fürchterlich. Schon das Wort selbst verursacht Brechreiz. Und als ob nicht schon schlimm genug wäre, dass die Mittdreissiger-pseudo-Karrieristen-Sonntags-Rollerblader sich beim trendy biz-lunch erzählen, wie stressed sie but are so little gap in the PDA with no fringe benefits to a win-win situation lead to rape, today's elementary students, including generation ringtone, with ever-expectant moronic oversimplification of the German language. involved tax is the Bling-Bling Group, between the huge asses and thick slide will not have time to spit a halfway reasonable sentence into the mike. Including, finally, everyone understands what is meant when I say "she's like woooooow"
Sowa thought in the way to the police in train, as she made stickers with the slogan "Violence = No cool!", What else than to be considered relatively harmless.
The degeneration is already advanced to such a degree that a news anchor at N24 but the camera actually grinned and said: "It's cool to pimp your bike.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Oxygen Sensor, 2003 Yukon Xl

class trip to the Muätital

Few have any idea where the Muotathal is above all, never mind with a Oberalm (called the ur-resident, Roger correct me, lie if I'm wrong) said. Instead circulate the wildest stories and I know-someone-anyone-the-knows-sagas. So shall move the allegedly unusual for our latitude skull shape of the local people, therefore, that a few centuries ago Russian troops invaded the valley and the maids and their wives to the barn Schweinkram indecently crowded. This led to a generation of potato-headed Swiss Inner their Russian impact to this day remained. It is, however, to advise a drunken Muotathaler this version of his family tree to get closer. During the four semesters of computer science
shit, unfortunately, only half we've brought so far behind us, gathered most of my class in Muotathal to celebrate something. So low-quality meat on the grill, beer in hand, nonsense babble, sleazy tell jokes, sentimental, and with growing booze as well as the arrogant bigshot (a couple of fellow sufferers Class and myself found) nice.
To counter this, and because wild valleys give no cause for style uncertainties, we contented ourselves with the best. Starting from beef tenderloin to this newly acquired extra set, made in West Germany, we had our own little gourmet kitchen.
Somehow, the alcohol is not enough, or there are structures that are not so easy to break, at least the usual little group sat together again. After a few bottles of beer and numerous discourses on breasts, perfect intimate shaves and sexual preferences (to the Klischeeverherrlicher: not all computer science students want to Klingons), we took a small Exploring, led by a classmate who rightly called Oberalm, to the local pub (in Switzerland, preferably "Pöbb" pronounced). There we were told that the store only reason not burst at the seams, because the "Tann-town festival" took place and all the drinking-takers would give the edge there. That was definitely what for us.
Although we were not asked if we would have a warning at all because of a four-wheel drive vehicle, of course not, we plunged boldly into the adventure. The mountain is calling! To seek a low cost time-Techno-Hit of the 90 to .
After about 15 minutes, single-track mountain road mit Neigungswinkel an die 20 % erreichten wir besagtes Tann-Fäscht. Was uns erwartete übertrifft die kühnsten Älpler-Romantik-Fantasien der gesamten Sünnelipartei. Einfach sagenhaft. Die bewaldete Bergstrasse wurde immer lichter und ein kleines Plateau mit Hof bildete sozusagen die Sackgasse. Rings um den Viehstall, welcher notabene als Konzertsaal für urchige Handorgelmusik herhalten musste, parkten reihenweise die Autos bis weit den Hang hinauf. Was sofort auffiel – der örtliche Subaruhändler hat wohl keine Konjunkturflauten zu beklagen. Die Besucher des Tann-Fäscht waren, wie unser Guide konsterniert feststellte, wenig „hiesigi“ was soviel bedeutet wie, nicht von hier. Stattdessen aus den umliegenden Kantonen UR, NW, OW, ZG, and even one from Züüüüriiiii and that's saying something, because Zurich is known to even the most fashionable city in the world, so this party must be something special.

As for me, however thoughtfully agreed - were nowhere to be fierce bald-Rütli Schwoerer seen. On the contrary, it was laughed heartily, and generous to each other zugeprostet snuff distributed. You could Anrempeln had someone, accidentally spill beer on the jeans of a girl, her boyfriend for dinner easily eaten half a cow, or contact someone on the walk, trot the same without the ambulance had to be (even purely from a geographical point of view nonsensical).
After a few minutes I had understood as will be most easily communicated, namely by means of a loud call, but of something indistinct and high holding the bottle. What I naturally wanted to try it immediately and the two most beautiful girls with a boisterous "Schoeni Sännerin" welcomed ... and lo and behold ... I picked up a shy smile and bottle.

Maybe I had up to now a completely wrong picture of this Talvolk. Maybe the people here have found a way to deal with each other without having to pursue each other with their heads. Something familiar, where everybody knows everybody and everything all by all . Know I'm really impressed.

The only thing strange was in the dressing room. AC / DC must operate well in Muotathal a merchandising stand, different is the variety of badges and T-shirts can not be explained.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Pokemon Soul Silver Ds Komplettl�sung

word Sunday

It's Sunday, 12:15 clock and I have just tortured out of bed when my cell phone is sweet jazz and signaled to me, hey, want to talk to you as someone '. Great! Hurraaaa! I need something after I got up. A suffering of the same species Logorrhö will induce me from my phlegmatic mood morning break to force me into fine thread and to stroll a bit along the promenade.

It was then my father, no less uncomfortable at an early hour, because that usually means stress, stress, commitments. But what the hell, I think me and take off. Finally, I come straight out of the holidays, because you put off something. A little out of breath he told me that I should go to him as soon as possible, any heavy table tops and what I know, who he could not possibly own. Knew it 'as I thought! But I still do not have a big appetite and am also too lazy to tilt in a bowl of cornflakes I drive equal to go. The few things that are there to tow prove to be adult Moving household but I already knew. Discs overused, beer tipped down, that caused pleasantly on an empty stomach from time to Subway for a chicken curry sandwich.

There I note with pleasant surprise that I come out of all the guests from the Balkans and I just returned from a sailing trip in Croatia has come to me this is somehow soothing. I suffer so much from Wanderlust usually when I'm back from vacation. It usually begins a few days before my trip home and when I was unstable, it would probably result in a boost of adult depression. But not today, not this Sunday, although it is schweinekalt und anstatt der in Kroatien üblichen grazilen, grossgewachsenen, vollbusigen, blonden, blauäugigen Schönheiten lungern pummlige Teeny-Albanerinnen und ihre halbstarken Gel-Macker herum und benehmen sich grossspurig aber mich amüsierts. Mir fällt auf, dass das Verhalten hier nur minimal von dem in ihrer Heimat abweicht und das stimmt mich nachdenklich – denn daraus liesse sich schliessen, dass auch wir, also die Schweizer(wobei ich mich genau genommen ja nicht dazu zähle und das nicht bloss weil ich den roten Wisch nicht besitze) uns im Urlaub ebenso benehmen wie hier.

Ok. Greifen wir also zur bewährten Methode des Syllogismus…

Erster Step
Swiss (or as I'm also German, which I count myself among them) are behaving in exactly the same holiday at home.

Second step:
you behave on holiday synapsen loose caveman

All Swiss (or as I'm also German, which I count myself) are endless moronic thinking objectors