Friday, December 5, 2008

Watch Movies Online Ikusa Otome Valkyrie

News # 4 team-Shirts

Seit dem letzten Seuzicup haben wir Team-Shirts von COOP die jedoch bisher noch Leer geblieben sind.
Ich möchte das nun mit einem Logo, einem Text und ev. einer Nummer ändern.

Hier seht ihr schon einmal ein par Vorschläge von mir, wie es aussehen könnte:

team shirt

I would be very grateful for ideas, suggestions, opinions, and criticisms of you to bring the whole progress.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

What Are The 3 Most Common Pick 3 Lottery Numbers

Benefizkonzert & Vortrag an der FUB - charity concert & presentation at the Free University of Bolzano

In der letzten Novemberwoche fanden in Bozen zwei wichtige Veranstaltungen für das BiBiBag-Projekt statt. Zum einem sang der bekannte Bozner Chor „Flatcaps“ a benefit concert in the Franciscan church in Bolzano. The concert was a real success and the cash donations were also pleasingly high. The cold pews were fully occupied and people were interested not only in music but also to the presentation of Benno Röggla on 'Help without Frontiers and Max BiBiBag fallers on the project.
On 25 November were also Benno Röggla Max fallers and a lecture on the premises of the University's what the said Dean of the Faculty of Design and Art Kuno Prey introductory words.

In the last week of november have been two important events for the BiBiBag project. First there was a charity concert. The well known choir of Bolzano „Flatcaps“ sang for burmese refugee kids in the Franziskaner church in Bolzano. The evening was a real success and the cash donations were pleasantly high. All the cold church benches were taken and the people ware not just interested in music but also in the presentation of Benno Röggla about "Help Without Frontiers" and Max fallers abou the project BiBiBag.
On the 25th of november so they held a more detailed presentation at the Free University of Bolzano, where the dean of the Faculty of Design and Art Kuno Prey gave a little speech as well.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Are All Trailfires Tracks The Same

Open Courses through Web 2.0 technologies

At the 6th Darmstadt E-Learning from the TU Darmstadt on "software OpenLearn - open educational resources for all I could imagine my experience with various Web 2.0 applications in a presentation" Open courses with Web 2.0 technologies. "

The slides of the presentation can be viewed at and be downloaded as a PowerPoint file, if If you are registered there.

In preparation of the presentation I created an interactive mind map sharing course material, the various aspects of the paper reflects. In particular, you will find links to the tools I use.

The lecture was recorded by the e-learning center of the TU Darmstadt with the tool Lecturnity. Once the recording is available, I will publish the link here.

As always, you can get rid suggestions, tips, comments and information on errors in a comment at the bottom of this page. I look forward to!

Ulrich Schrader

Epididymitis And Motorcycling

blogs and wikis in education: Web 2.0 for Care Manager

alike in the art forum "Blended Learning in the Social and Health", which this time at the FH Frankfurt - held University of Applied Sciences, I had the opportunity at the very interesting event, a small Introduction to Web 2.0 and my experiences in the use of blogs and wikis as part of my events in the present study in Nursing Management.

Here are the records and films:

If you hints, tips, suggestions, call attention to errors, but simply as comments here on this page.

Ulrich Schrader

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cipralex And Smokling

TV-Sendung auf ORF – TV telecast on ORF

Tonight is Tuesday, 25.11.2008 at 18:30 h on ORF 2 - "South Today" a brief review sent via the school bag project. An hour later, at 19:00 h, it is also ORF 1 - to see "South Today" .

In the South Tyrol Alto Adige Newspaper of 23.11.2008, a prior notice to the event at the University of Bolzano published. Click here for program-to article ...

This evening on tuesday 11/25/2008 there'll be a telecast about the schoolbag:

The south tyrolian newspapar Alto Adige showed at little articel about the presentation in the university of Bolzano. Here you can have a look at the articel…  

Thursday, November 20, 2008

How To Convert Plug In Pendant Lamp To Harwire

News 3 photos Training #

Here are the photos of lezten Training:

Photos Training 11/18/2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Temperature And Goldfish Lab

Vortrag an der Freien Universität Bozen – Presentation at the Free University of Bolzano

25.11.2008, 19:00 h

fallers Max & Benny Röggla (Help without Frontiers) report on the situation of refugees ,
the projects at the Burmesisch-Thai border
and the first steps of a test series of school bags for refugee children a us Burma.
invitation of Help without borders

fallers Max & Benny Röggla (Aiutare senza Confini) raccontano la situazione dei profughi,
i progetti al confine della produzione e l'Avvio Tues cartelle scolatiche per bambini profughi birmanie.

fallers Max & Benny Röggla (Help without Frontiers) talk about the situation of the refugees,
the projects at the Thai-Burma border and the first steps of a testing series of schoolbags for refugeekids from Burma.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Gpsphone Emerald Gameshark

Start für die Test series - starting for the testing series

The time for my second stay in Mae Sot has expired. The target set is reached. Together we have built a small workshop, a series of test 20 units can produce. I Wad Pi, head of the sewing room, sewing Amaung to Burma Rainer and Ann, the manager (coordinator of Help without Frontiers Thailand) taught step by step how the schoolbag is cut and sewn. Furthermore, I brought them on how to cut the bamboo handle, grinds and einbohrt the holes. At the end of the bamboo strips that are located inside the school bag, treated with a protective lacquer layer, so that the moisture of the cut bamboo can not harm what so quickly.
In the photo the Nähteam with the first school bags to be seen.

The time of my second stay in Mae Sot is over now. The target is reached. We built up together a little workshop which can produce the first testing serie of 20 schoolbags. I taught to Pi Wad, the manager of the sewing workshop, Amaung the burmese sewing trainer and Ann (coordinator of Help without friontiers - thailand) step by step, how the schoolbag become cut and sewed together. Furthermore I showed them how to cut and sand the bamboo and how to drill the holes inside it. At the end the bamboostick become treated with lacker so that the humidity can't affect it to fast. 
On the picture you can see the workshop team with the first schoolbags. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

L Shape Frame Curtain

photo shoot 2

Last week we had another photo shoot. This time were taking pictures of the new school bags and school uniforms, which were of Help Without Borders team sewed. Thanks to the embroidery machine, it is even possible to attach a logo and school name on the shirts. The children were thrilled a real school uniform , and it is common in Thailand specify who should be.

Last week we had a photo shoot again. This time we took pictures of the schoolbag and therefore of the new school uniform been, Which had Help without Frontiers sewed by the team. Thank to the stiching machine it's possible to put a emblem and so the school name on the shirts. The kids have been excited that they could were a real school uniform like it is common in Thailand .

Monday, October 27, 2008

Magnesium For Cramp 5 Dpo

low-budget design

A workshop costs Geld.Da an NGO (non-profit organization) has to save where they can, Ann had a brilliant idea. To this end we bought two wooden pallets, each of 20 Bath (approx. € 0.46) at the hardware store and I got the task to make a low budget resulting design. For a workshop it takes at least a decent rack and a bench grinder and vise where stehen können. 

A workshop costs money. An NGO doesn't have always that much money for everything, so Ann had a very clever idea. Therefore we got a pair of wooden pallets for each 20 bath (approx. 0,46 €) and I got the task to create some low budget design. In a schoolbag sewing workshop you need at least a proper rack and also a workbench for the sanding machine and the plainvise.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Play Pokwmon Fire Red Online Mac

Craft Lessons - Sewingtraining

Damit Helfen ohne Grenzen die Produktion der Schulranzen übernehmen kann ist es notwendig, dass die Kompetenz übergeht in Performanz. Das heisst das Team vom Sewing Workshop muss mein Wissen über die Materialien und Verarbeitungsmethoden mitgeteilt bekommen. Dazu begann ich diese Woche die zwei Thailänderinnen Pi Ann und Pi Wad sowie den burmesischen Schneider Amaung (Welcher nur burmesisch spricht!) in den einzelnen Produktionsschritten zu unterrichten. 
Bilder von oben nach unten:
Pi Ann und Max berechnen die Zuschnittsmaße, Amaung und Pi Wad beim schneiden, und Ann macht ihre ersten Nähversuche an der großen Industrienähmaschine.

To get the production of the schoolbags adopted by Help Without frontiers it's neccessary that competence becames performance. This means that the sewing workshop team needs to assume my knowledge about materials and techniques of production. Therefore I started this week to teach the two thai woman Pi Ann and Pi Wad and the burmese Taylor Amaung (By the way, who speaks only burmese) in all the different steps of production.
The images from top to bottom:
Pi Ann and Max are calculating the cutting messurements, Amaung and Pi Wad at the cutting, and Ann makes her first experiences with the big induriel sewing machine.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Why Does My Chest Hurt From The Cat

Handicrafts - Handicraft

Last week we have the 20-minute drive from Mae Sot remote refugee village visited Doi Hin Kiu. HWF supports to school there P'Yang Daung. The village is located on the monastery area and therefore the refugees on the Thai police, could send it, sure. Chaung Ku knows where an old Karen, who can skillfully handle bamboo. We took over the school bag and ordered bamboo strips for 10 bags.
goal is to compare the hand-carved bamboo with the industrially produced bamboo. What are the main differences between the various production processes?
course es das Ziel, die Bambusleisten ausschließlich von Flüchtlingen herstellen zu lassen, da somit ja das Konzept „Flüchtlinge helfen Flüchtlingen“ erhalten bleiben kann. Doch können wir nicht ausschließen, dass vor allem bei der Herstellung der Testserie gewisse Produktionsschritte konventionell umgesetzt werden müssen. 

Last week we visited the refugee village Doi Hin Kiu, which is about 20 min by car from Mae Sot. HWF supports the school P'Yang Daung. The village is settled on the land of the monastery and that’s why the Thai police cannot send the refugees away. Chaung Ku knows an old Karen who knows very well how to work with bamboo. We brought over the schoolbag and ordered bamboo for more than ten bags. 
We’d like to compare hand cut bamboo with the industrial one. What are the main differences between these two different production processes regarding the quality? 
Of course it’s our aim to let the bamboo be produced just by refugees, so that the concept “refugees help refugees“ can remain. Though we cannot avoid to try some conventional steps of production for realizing the testing series. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Kate Playground Sasha Gray

changes in Mae Sot - Changes in Mae Sot

Seit 10. Oktober bin ich in Mae Sot, Hauptsitz Hog (Help without Frontiers). Like last time, I live in one of the rooms on the first floor above the office. Advantage of this accommodation is that I'm right on happening. When I get up in the morning usually the house is already in action. Meanwhile cavort five permanent employees in the home Hog-Thailand. An office full of girl power! Added are two Thai assistants for accounting and management for Chaung Ku (Karen refugee) and Ann, which got 4 months before her baby. She does not keep them from continuing to work with full enthusiasm. Furthermore, I could see notable changes.
The project of school kitchen , which was then put back in March still in its infancy is running now in full swing. Every day, refugees prepare food for about 1600 students in various refugee schools. has a great organizational effort for its management HoG hired another Thai woman who takes care of purchasing and accounting. The kitchen includes a water filter system, the HWF has been bought and therefore is able to supply schools with clean drinking water well without having to buy it from Thai companies. The filtration system is also run by refugees, maintained.
is in the same building the kitchen in a large In addition to the sewing room working space ("Sewing Workshop") for school uniforms in which four refugees. The workshop is led by Wat Pi, an equally talented Thai woman takes care of the next workshop also lead to the purchase of materials, accounting procedures and the use of the embroidery machine.
The school kitchen, the filter system and the sewing room to meet the purpose of a so-called Incomegeneration (literally, from the close.> Income generation). The bottom line is this is a meaningful job creation scheme for refugees. Behind it lies the same concept as in the school bag project: Refugees help refugees.
This week I have taken over in a workshop with my school bag and translation of Chaung Ku explained the approach the project. Fortunately, I found good resonance and optimism. Although the sewing room at full capacity and currently they have little time there until the end of the week the rest of the 300 school uniforms, must be cut sewn and embroidered, which is a lot of work for five people. But if I so noticed the work atmosphere, the relaxed laughter experience of people working there, I see no reason why they can not meet this production should be up to date. To achieve
the project "Satchel" we may need to be able to sew special sewing machine that thick materials such as PVC film. This afternoon I am, as always driven by a translator, in a workshop on the outskirts of Mae Sot, gutting the used industrial sewing machines and put together. There we found the right one. This may take a few days to pick up the unit and will be ready for use. In addition there are other purchases such as a small belt sander and a saw for the bamboo.
The photos at right show an insight into the school kitchen, a refugee woman and a potentially suitable for sewing machine.
Since 10th October I’m in Mae Sot, Headquarter of HWF (Help without frontiers). Like the last time I live in one of the two rooms over the office. The advantage of this host is the possibility to be as close as possible at what is happening. Mostly when I get up in the morning everybody in the house is already in action. By now five permanent employees are working at HWF-Thailand. An office full of lady power! Added have been two Thai assistants for the accounting and management for Chaung Ku (Karen-woman) and Ann, who has just brought to birth her little baby four months ago. But this doesn’t stop her to continue working energetically. Furthermore I recognised some mentionable changes.
The project school kitchen , which wasn’t yet installed in March of this year, is now getting up to speed. Every day refugees prepare food for approx. 1600 students from the different refugee schools. That’s a big effort of organisation. Therefore has been employed another Thai woman who takes responsibility of the purchase and the accounting. A water filter system has been bought by HWF and it’s a part of the kitchen installation. Now the HWF-schools are able to get directly fresh drinking water without buying it from Thai companies. Also the tasks of maintain the filter system gets assumed by refugees.
In the same building of the kitchen you’ll find the sewing workshop, which is used for producing school uniforms made by refugees for refugees. Pi Wat is responsible for this workshop. She’s also a very talented Thai woman and takes care of the purchase of materials, accounting and the maintenance of the stitching machine. 
The school kitchen, the filter system and the sewing workshop are all income generations. Basically it’s a employment-creation measure for the refugees and behind that you can find the the same concept like it’s for the school bag program: Refugees help refugees.
This week I came with my schoolbag to the sewing workshop and Chaung Ku the introduction that I made for the sewers into Burmese, Karen and also Thai. Fortunately I got a good and optimistic feedback. Indeed the sewing workshop is very busy at the moment and they have very little time, because the rest of the 300 ordered school uniforms have to be finished until the end of the week. The cutting, sewing and stitching means quite a lot work for five workers. But when I feel the working atmosphere, the slack laughter of the people who are working there, I don’t see a reason why they shouldn’t can finish their work in time. 
To make the school bag program become realized we need a special sewing machine that sews thick materials like PVC-Canvas. This afternoon I went, as always with my translator, in a workshop in Mae Sot that repair used sewing machines from the industry. There we found the right machine. Now it takes a few days to make until it is ready to use. Furthermore there is some other shopping to do, like the acquirement of a sanding machine and a hand saw for the bamboo.

On the pictures you can get a impression of the school kitchen, a Karen-woman sewing a school uniform and a some used but still potential sewing machines.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Doujin By Character Dawn Pokemon

job properly - Trip No. 2

Am 7. Oktober bin ich erneut für einen Monat nach Thailand gereist um mit der Realisierung the project to begin.
goal is to build a small workshop for the production of school bags, which receive refugees in meaningful employment and a small income.
has now "Help without Frontiers" a small budget to put the legs to enable the project to enable. was

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Where Is Konad Sold In Stores

summer holiday program: Flagfootball

After the "normal training" started again have, I have here are the pictures from the summer program:

2008_07_29 Training FlaggFootball

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mini Plastc Nfl Football Helmets

press coverage

After the presentation of RESATCH at the University of Bolzano on Thursday 25 July the project in the premises of the Faculty of Design and Art on display. This event were friends and acquaintances, and interested journalists and photographers.
Here are three press reports to see about the project, which on 24 July 2008 published:

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Indian Wedding Invitations Brampton

RESATCH - A school bag program for refugees

could be linked to development cooperation and design?

Based on this question began in the winter of 2008 a trip to Southeast Asia. In cooperation with the South Tyrolean charity Help without borders Max fallers developed a design concept of a water-resistant school bag for child refugees in Burma. For an in-depth research, he went for a month to the Myanmar border to Mae Sot, Thailand. There he visited refugee camps and schools and became deeply involved with the situation of the exiled refugees. In close cooperation with teachers and students who had fled from Burma was a waterproof satchel, the "Made in Thailand" for the holistic approach is: Refugees help refugees by allowing them to undertake the production of the product itself. For the refugees are engaged in production employment and a small Income generated. Students receive a waterproof carrying system, which is especially important during the rainy season, extending the life of the school supplies sustainable. In the event of damage to the object with an overhaul of local materials on site for each easily possible. The school bags are funded by donations, therefore, remain the family saves costs.

for the production of school bags five different materials are used:



 1. Bambus ist ein lokales Grass welches eine flexible und leichte Konstruktion erlaubt

2. Baumwolle ist ein lokales Produkt und wird unter anderem von Frauen in den Flüchtlingslagern woven by hand.

third PVC fabric is waterproof and buyable in Thailand due to the existing textile industry.

4th string elements are interchangeable with any type of fiber, such as woven bamboo, leather, cotton

5. Nylonbänder sind sehr robust und haben eine lange Lebensdauer.

Der nächste Schritt ist die Umsetzung des Projektes vor Ort. Dafür wird Max im Oktober 2008 wieder nach Mae Sot reisen und zusammen mit Helfen ohne Grenzen die Schulung der Flüchtlinge beginnen. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Gpsphone Cheats Pokemon Platinum

Diplorama - Presentation & Exhibition at the Free University of Bozen

"a friend give you any fish,

but it brings with him as to Marry. "

Monday, July 21, 2008

Can You Have Hemorrhoids On Your Taint

News # 2 Summer Vacation program: flag football during

Ich möchte euch nochmals daran erinnern das morgen Di 22.07. unser "Ferienprogramm" als Ersatz zum normalen Training, startet.

Sandro Forster und René haben während meiner Abwesenheit, die Organisation dieser 5 Ferientage übernommen, was sie wie ich finde exzellent gemacht haben.
Daher sollten als Gegenleistung , die Beteiligung morgen schon sehr gross sein.

Hier nochmals die entsprechende Mail zur Erinnerung:

Mail Sandro :

Hoi zämä

Here the Doodle how to (wife) knows it. The next Tuesday I
can not come.

But you can organize something else (such as bowling or something), so it is Doodle there, too. You have to organize it but yourself!

On 22nd July takes place the first time Flagg Football training on the Deutweg. But only if at least 6 registrations are entered. So here
Register at:
We are meeting at each clock 19:30 Deutweg at the kiosk (under the bleachers).

to equipment:
-trainers or football boots when you have such.
-Shorts and T-shirt . As with hockey. The
Flagg's I bring with me.

If you have desire for a dressing room and shower since. Reports to me, then I can ev. also organize yet.
any questions just call me or write me an e-mail.
I hope many of you there!

Login Can you so here:

And if someone wants to learn more over flag football, he can do it here like:

Wiki: http:/
/ / wiki / Flag_Football

Schweizer Nati :

http://www.swissflagfootball. ch / flag football / regeln.htm


Thus, it look : & rlz = 1G1 GGLQ _ Competence Centre 251 & PWST = 1 & resnum = 0 & q = flag % 20 football & um = 1 & ie = UTF -8 & Sat = N & tab wi =

Now I hope for a participation in spite of the large and that it is not played as hard as
American Football , no injuries.

See you tomorrow
greeting Mice work properly

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Japanese Male The Sims2

Diplorama - Presentation at the Free University of Bozen

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Indian Bridal Make Up Tip With Pitcher

eLearning Practice Forum: Screencasting - Lecture recording made easy

I had the opportunity to take account of the eLearning Forum, a small introduction of the practice Using the screen to give lectures and talks at auditions and showcase my past experience. A good opportunity to demonstrate this in practice.

Here are the records and films:

Comment Just here, if you find mistakes noticed, you want to give suggestions and tips. Share alike

Friday, June 27, 2008

Big Breasts On Thin Women

Soon it is far

" Good things take time. "
proceeds leisurely but steady progress the work and take on day after day form.

I hereby invite all very warmly to keep clear the date of the presentation:
22nd July 2008 Free University of Bozen
project presentation [public. Event]
Room F 3:01 [in the new building head]
[exact time to be announced.]

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Floating Candles Craigslist Toronto

photo shoot

Today I have sent my prototype by courier service to Mae Sot, Thailand. Next week he will arrive there arrive in Help without borders and Lena [project manager of HOG] is taking photos of the school bag in use.
This is a particularly important point for the communication of the project. So we let [I also] surprised, how the photos.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Katsu Curry Recipe Wagamama

A closer look at McNeil

Yesterday I met me with the Bolzano seamstress Maria Seppi. And I showed her my school bag design and processing technology and for tips and tricks from the expert asked.
On the whole she was satisfied with my work.
We discussed possible changes to the bag to be produced more easily and thus make production more efficient.
In this sense, I would like to thank you very much for the Zeit die sie sich für mich genommen hat.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Saforte Jeans Where Can I Buy Saforte Jeans?

Bowling Spring break

As you have taken from one mail before spring break, we were during the holidays, go bowling.
looked Like you see here:

2008_04_29 Bowling with floorball

Dbz Does Vegeta Ever Tell Bulma He Loves Her

2008_03_29 SeuziGruempi

I still owe you all the photos from Seuzicup.

And here they are:

2008_03_29 SeuziGruempi

Pc Penny Outlet Mills Mall

Zischtigsclub News # 1-player list

In meiner ersten Ankündigung für diesen Blog möchte ich noch erwähnt haben, dass ich kein Experte in Sachen Hompages und ähnlichem bin und dies hier meine ersten Gehversuche mit dieser Materie sind.
Deshalb bin ich auch um jeden Tipp und Trick sehr froh.

Ich werde hier hauptsächlich News wie z.B. die Ferien oder kommende Events und Freundschaftsspiele ankündigen.

Nebenbei wird der Blog auch eine Platform sein wo man Fotos und ähnliches reinstellen kann.
Wie ihr etwas postet, werde ich noch herausfinden und euch mitteilen damit ihr euch auch einbringen könnt.
Je mehr ich darüber lerne, desto mehr werde ich euch anbieten können.

Ich denke dieser Blog wird sich still prove very useful.

mice work properly