The time for my second stay in Mae Sot has expired. The target set is reached. Together we have built a small workshop, a series of test 20 units can produce. I Wad Pi, head of the sewing room, sewing Amaung to Burma Rainer and Ann, the manager (coordinator of Help without Frontiers Thailand) taught step by step how the schoolbag is cut and sewn. Furthermore, I brought them on how to cut the bamboo handle, grinds and einbohrt the holes. At the end of the bamboo strips that are located inside the school bag, treated with a protective lacquer layer, so that the moisture of the cut bamboo can not harm what so quickly.
In the photo the Nähteam with the first school bags to be seen.
The time of my second stay in Mae Sot is over now. The target is reached. We built up together a little workshop which can produce the first testing serie of 20 schoolbags. I taught to Pi Wad, the manager of the sewing workshop, Amaung the burmese sewing trainer and Ann (coordinator of Help without friontiers - thailand) step by step, how the schoolbag become cut and sewed together. Furthermore I showed them how to cut and sand the bamboo and how to drill the holes inside it. At the end the bamboostick become treated with lacker so that the humidity can't affect it to fast.
On the picture you can see the workshop team with the first schoolbags.
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