25.11.2008, 19:00 h
fallers Max & Benny Röggla (Help without Frontiers) report on the situation of refugees ,
the projects at the Burmesisch-Thai border
and the first steps of a test series of school bags for refugee children a us Burma.
invitation of Help without borders fallers Max & Benny Röggla (Aiutare senza Confini) raccontano la situazione dei profughi,
i progetti al confine della produzione e l'Avvio Tues cartelle scolatiche per bambini profughi birmanie.
fallers Max & Benny Röggla (Help without Frontiers) talk about the situation of the refugees,
the projects at the Thai-Burma border and the first steps of a testing series of schoolbags for refugeekids from Burma.
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