could be linked to development cooperation and design?
Based on this question began in the winter of 2008 a trip to Southeast Asia. In cooperation with the South Tyrolean charity Help without borders Max fallers developed a design concept of a water-resistant school bag for child refugees in Burma. For an in-depth research, he went for a month to the Myanmar border to Mae Sot, Thailand. There he visited refugee camps and schools and became deeply involved with the situation of the exiled refugees. In close cooperation with teachers and students who had fled from Burma was a waterproof satchel, the "Made in Thailand" for the holistic approach is: Refugees help refugees by allowing them to undertake the production of the product itself. For the refugees are engaged in production employment and a small Income generated. Students receive a waterproof carrying system, which is especially important during the rainy season, extending the life of the school supplies sustainable. In the event of damage to the object with an overhaul of local materials on site for each easily possible. The school bags are funded by donations, therefore, remain the family saves costs.
for the production of school bags five different materials are used:

1. Bambus ist ein lokales Grass welches eine flexible und leichte Konstruktion erlaubt
2. Baumwolle ist ein lokales Produkt und wird unter anderem von Frauen in den Flüchtlingslagern woven by hand.
third PVC fabric is waterproof and buyable in Thailand due to the existing textile industry.
4th string elements are interchangeable with any type of fiber, such as woven bamboo, leather, cotton
5. Nylonbänder sind sehr robust und haben eine lange Lebensdauer.
Der nächste Schritt ist die Umsetzung des Projektes vor Ort. Dafür wird Max im Oktober 2008 wieder nach Mae Sot reisen und zusammen mit Helfen ohne Grenzen die Schulung der Flüchtlinge beginnen.

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