Sunday, January 2, 2011

Baby Walkers Good For Carpet

Land Rover Ambulance - If off, then do it right!

„Rein in den Großstadtdschungel!“ So oder so ähnlich lautet die Devise jeglicher SUV-Hersteller. Dass diese fettleibigen und höhergelegten Kombis für mehr als Muttis Großeinkauf   beim Vorstadtdiscounter herhalten müssen, hatten die Verantwortlichen erst gar nicht einkalkuliert.

Auch der Jungunternehmer, der normalerweise 70 Stunden in der Woche arbeitet, um am Monatsende pünktlich die Leasingrate an den örtlichen Vertragshändler rüberbeamen zu können, tupft noch mal schnell am Sonntagnachmittag „Matsch aus der Dose“ auf seinen silberblauen Audi Q7, um am nächsten Morgen auf dem Firmenparkplatz den artgerechten „Einsatz“ seines Boliden dokumentieren zu können.

that there is another way, Sven shows from Hamburg. Despite the well-developed road network in the Hanseatic city, he always has one or the other off-road path. No way to steep, no ditch too deep! is his motto. In this way the farmer is plowing all landscape alongside ever to the one or the other field. Simply because it's fun!

Whether there can keep up a Q7? We do not even know you could just send 22-inch rolls zerkratzen, was bei der Leasingrückgabe als wirtschaftlicher Totalschaden deklariert werden könnte - lieber nicht! Und überhaupt: Für ordentlichen Gelände-Fahrspaß braucht man einen richtigen Geländewagen mit jahrzehntelanger Erprobung und keinen Passat auf Plateauschuhen im Wert einer Doppelhaushälfte.

Da kam der Land Rover Ambulance 109 genau zur richtigen Zeit daher. Svens Exemplar verrichtete in seinem vorigen Leben, Anno 1979, seinen Dienst treu und zuverlässig für die holländische Armee. Es handelt sich hierbei um ein speziell angefertigtes Modell für Krankentransporte. An absolute stroke of luck for a lot of traveling and like Sven and girlfriend Annette, have transformed the former hospital patient in a multi-functional mobile home. Even the dachshund has his own place here during the long trips, as the ideal travel speed for this colossus is about 80 - 90 km / h. As the first original engine was getting on in years, donated his Sven Ambulance in some long screws evenings a 2.5-liter diesel engine with 67 HP brave from Japanese production. In this procedure was implanted at the same time an overdrive transmission. The pleasing result: On long-haul trips approved by the Ambulance only 9.5 liters per 100 kilometers.

Originally the car had room for driver and front passenger, a doctor and four patients lying. But now as vans authorized Land Rover also boasts some technical equipment, which can be the common ATU-tuner, or even just dreaming MacGyver: rear view camera, radio, extreme-Hi-Fi and 1300-watt lighting, including (!!!)- work light and searchlight. Almost futuristic look of the "residential area". The 5 000-watt bass machine (an estimated capacity to audition), which simultaneously by opening a passage to the cab allows strongly evokes the "Flux compensator" which Marty McFly traveled back to the future. A pity that the country is not Rover 100 on km / h mark, a trial would worthy.

But before the doctor and his four patients, the interior reclaim for itself, we are better on the other goodies: fitted kitchen including gas cooker, compressor fridge, hot water boiler, espresso machine, Ausklappbett, table, Chemieklo, numerous storage compartments and folding dog kennel complete the feel-good offer. To ensure adequate energy supply a 100 Ah starter battery, two gel batteries and four solar panels on the roof. Thus the LCA still more higher, the roof was planted with Sedumpflanzen which thrive since 12 years.

test trips to Scandinavia to southern France or prove the reliability of this companion. Because this could Land Rover prepared really well for every application, a dinghy, a complete outdoor equipment and an electric scooter is in the worst case spontaneously to a circumnavigation of the earth start on four wheels. At a real SUV's always reliable!

This article appeared in the sold Departed Magazine # 03
photos and text: Alex Boehm


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