Is not it quite strange how some things we encountered during our childhood "in the pre-flight" , in the deepest regions of our memory set, and then one day, a volcanic eruption like to come to the surface? Triggered by subliminal stimuli as well as those through which they buried themselves once! Be it the old-radio-Tick, kidneys table collecting mania or let my model car purchase necessary. All of which suddenly and unexpectedly from the darkness of childhood memories into the light of present , To connect now to influence our actions much, if not to dominate all.
The first 10 copies of whatever kind collector's series to be excused so that "they Bözbergstrasse a". Acquired for little money or get paid. If they are the throwaway mentality left their previous owners? NO!
then begins to register too slow on that one is yes, surprisingly, not the only one for the "Plunder" interested. It is also not crystallize out in each collection group certain exotics, which are moreover still is a must to have it, but this is unfortunately often very expensive. There is then no later than the point reached where there can be no more excuse to "save them from the garbage," what drives you uttered them. And when even the hard-earned annual leave not to places of leisure and culture results, but sites with in the scene very well known and "worthwhile" flea markets simply because just missing the ONE piece yet, even then ..., then in usually all too late - it is a collector! From then on, then the reader will know, If you go often alone, at least in the family. Because the / the significant other (s) in this delusion expression to know on his site, which is still extremely rare. Since it has
Dieter, the protagonist of this story, with Nadine, his wife, but made a lot better - but look!
The first 10 copies of whatever kind collector's series to be excused so that "they Bözbergstrasse a". Acquired for little money or get paid. If they are the throwaway mentality left their previous owners? NO!
then begins to register too slow on that one is yes, surprisingly, not the only one for the "Plunder" interested. It is also not crystallize out in each collection group certain exotics, which are moreover still is a must to have it, but this is unfortunately often very expensive. There is then no later than the point reached where there can be no more excuse to "save them from the garbage," what drives you uttered them. And when even the hard-earned annual leave not to places of leisure and culture results, but sites with in the scene very well known and "worthwhile" flea markets simply because just missing the ONE piece yet, even then ..., then in usually all too late - it is a collector! From then on, then the reader will know, If you go often alone, at least in the family. Because the / the significant other (s) in this delusion expression to know on his site, which is still extremely rare. Since it has
Dieter, the protagonist of this story, with Nadine, his wife, but made a lot better - but look!

Dieter began about 10 years since it was early 30s, to realize his unfulfilled childhood dream. For in childhood it has "only" been a Marklin train, instead of the longed-Carrera-Bahn. About a decade now it came to pass that Dieter rummaged face down in the estate of a deceased neighbor, to the widow in the management of many, as she called it "stuff" to go to hand.
Unter kiloschweren Schmökern der letzten 5 Jahrzehnte glänzten plötzlich breite, schwarze Kunststoffplatten hervor. Ihm war dieser Anblick irgendwie vertraut. War da mal was, in vergangenen Zeiten??? Es dämmerte langsam aber sicher. Weiteres und energischeres Graben führte dann Polistil-Bahn-Segmente zu Tage.
Dieser Fund setzte eine Kettenreaktion in Gange, die bis heute anhält. Flugs wurden die ersten von bisher fast 100 Fahrzeugen gekauft. Doch erste Fahrversuche auf den Platten zeigten leider, dass die dauerhafte Unterbringung in einem feuchten Keller auch diese altern lässt. Kurzum: die Platten waren Schrott, die Luftfeuchtigkeit hatte den Metallschienen zu stark zugesetzt. Was nun??? Ab in den nearest toy store and a Carrera Starter Kit purchased.
short time later ... is
's Next in issue # 4, order here !
Text: The Commander
Photos: Jelka Tomaschewski
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