Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Pokemon Soul Silver Ds Komplettl�sung

word Sunday

It's Sunday, 12:15 clock and I have just tortured out of bed when my cell phone is sweet jazz and signaled to me, hey, want to talk to you as someone '. Great! Hurraaaa! I need something after I got up. A suffering of the same species Logorrhö will induce me from my phlegmatic mood morning break to force me into fine thread and to stroll a bit along the promenade.

It was then my father, no less uncomfortable at an early hour, because that usually means stress, stress, commitments. But what the hell, I think me and take off. Finally, I come straight out of the holidays, because you put off something. A little out of breath he told me that I should go to him as soon as possible, any heavy table tops and what I know, who he could not possibly own. Knew it 'as I thought! But I still do not have a big appetite and am also too lazy to tilt in a bowl of cornflakes I drive equal to go. The few things that are there to tow prove to be adult Moving household but I already knew. Discs overused, beer tipped down, that caused pleasantly on an empty stomach from time to Subway for a chicken curry sandwich.

There I note with pleasant surprise that I come out of all the guests from the Balkans and I just returned from a sailing trip in Croatia has come to me this is somehow soothing. I suffer so much from Wanderlust usually when I'm back from vacation. It usually begins a few days before my trip home and when I was unstable, it would probably result in a boost of adult depression. But not today, not this Sunday, although it is schweinekalt und anstatt der in Kroatien üblichen grazilen, grossgewachsenen, vollbusigen, blonden, blauäugigen Schönheiten lungern pummlige Teeny-Albanerinnen und ihre halbstarken Gel-Macker herum und benehmen sich grossspurig aber mich amüsierts. Mir fällt auf, dass das Verhalten hier nur minimal von dem in ihrer Heimat abweicht und das stimmt mich nachdenklich – denn daraus liesse sich schliessen, dass auch wir, also die Schweizer(wobei ich mich genau genommen ja nicht dazu zähle und das nicht bloss weil ich den roten Wisch nicht besitze) uns im Urlaub ebenso benehmen wie hier.

Ok. Greifen wir also zur bewährten Methode des Syllogismus…

Erster Step
Swiss (or as I'm also German, which I count myself among them) are behaving in exactly the same holiday at home.

Second step:
you behave on holiday synapsen loose caveman

All Swiss (or as I'm also German, which I count myself) are endless moronic thinking objectors



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