When I was still bored in elementary school, everything was different. I was all for dumb girls and with good reason, because where I run every day at school had 800 yards there was not beautiful (which I did not then actually particularly interested, but I must have no less instinctively that such trivialities later become important to me once), nor wise. The latter bothers me only when I hated with Corinne in a group and they had to be accessible because of their physical superiority decided who had to do. The reader will guess it, lord gave birth to Levi is blessed from birth to fundamental lack of understanding of authoritarian - especially if a horse can not be distinguished from a cow, even though both are in the farm. Since I will be grumpy. So what impressed. To compensate for my anger I beat containing one (sometimes a - I can not erinnern, dass mir damals jemand gesagt hätte, man dürfe Mädchen nicht schlagen) aus meiner Klasse, der etwas schmächtiger war als ich. So ist das halt.
Ansonsten gab es sehr einfache Verhaltensregeln. Einen allgemein gültigen Konsens was man gut finden durfte und was nicht. Zum Beispiel Knight Rider. Hasselhoff war der Grösste. Und immer am nächsten Morgen nach der Ausstrahlung war als erstes Turnen. Diese Stunde hasste ich am meisten. Nicht etwa weil ich dicklich, unsportlich, oder sonst wie körperlich bemängelt gewesen wäre, sondern weil meine Eltern die absurde Vorstellung vertraten, Fernsehen verderbe den Charakter. Den Charakter!!!
Ach soooo yes, I also was only eight, because there are of course fully understand the educational experiments of late hippies. Once a week I was demoted to outsiders. I could not have a say. Although I initially tried to pretend that I had seen the show, (but it got around that "de düütsch" possessed no TV) was allowed to lie next to me. I knew nothing of "Turbo Boost" and "Super Pursuit Mode". Of course I had seen one or another program and knew what it was about, but the recent events and, more importantly, the keywords that came past me. The remaining hours of the gymnastics lesson wurden jeweils dahingehend verwendet, möglichst oft Michael oder KITT nachzuahmen. Missbilligend wurde ich mit „du heschs jo gar ned gseh“ zurechtgewiesen, wenn ich mich ebenfalls in der Anwendung von Anglizismen versuchte.
Wobei wir bei meinem eigentlichen Thema(bin wohl etwas abgeschweift) von heute wären, – Anglizismus sucks! (anm. Spruch geklaut vom T-Shirt des grossen Stu, der hier namentlich genannt werden will)
Fürchterlich. Schon das Wort selbst verursacht Brechreiz. Und als ob nicht schon schlimm genug wäre, dass die Mittdreissiger-pseudo-Karrieristen-Sonntags-Rollerblader sich beim trendy biz-lunch erzählen, wie stressed sie but are so little gap in the PDA with no fringe benefits to a win-win situation lead to rape, today's elementary students, including generation ringtone, with ever-expectant moronic oversimplification of the German language. involved tax is the Bling-Bling Group, between the huge asses and thick slide will not have time to spit a halfway reasonable sentence into the mike. Including, finally, everyone understands what is meant when I say "she's like woooooow"
Sowa thought in the way to the police in train, as she made stickers with the slogan "Violence = No cool!", What else than to be considered relatively harmless.
The degeneration is already advanced to such a degree that a news anchor at N24 but the camera actually grinned and said: "It's cool to pimp your bike.
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