Heute wurde der Baby BiBiBag fertig! – Der Schulranzen ist im selben Designkonzept wie sein großer Bruder gestaltet und besteht aus den selben fünf Grundmaterialien: LKW-Plane, Bambus, Schnur, Rucksackband und Fairtrade-Baumwolle (Gewebt von Frauen in den Flüchtlingslagern). Von der Größe her ist er für Kinder im Kindergarten- und Grundschulalter geschaffen. In das Innenfach passen die nötigen Schulbücher im maximalen Format von DIN A4 and the food and drink is placed in the designated outside pocket. Thus, there are no unwanted association of curry and writing paper. So far, there is the baby BiBiBag only as a prototype. In order for the small satchel can go into production, are still looking for sponsors.
Who is interested in this project support, the / the contact "Help without Frontiers".
BiBiBag Today the baby was born! - The schoolbag is developed in the same design concept as his his brother and is made out of the same five basic materials: tarpaulin truck Bamboo, String, Backpack straps and fairtrade cotton canvas. (Woven by women in the refugee camps). Regarding the size, the baby BiBiBag is made for kids in the age of nursery- and primary school. In the inner pocket fit the school and exercise books up to DIN A 4 and the food carrier as well as the drinking bottle is put in the outside pocket. Thus there won't be any unmeant meeting between the curry and the writing paper. Until now the baby BiBiBag exists only as a prototyp. To get the production started we need some sponsors.
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