Saturday, November 7, 2009

Building Fat Bumps Uder Skin

Flagfootball summer 09

Here are the photos of our summer training Flaggfootball:

Flagfootball summer 09

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Socks Protector For Skate Tongue

ABGEFAHREN #02 - erscheint am 18. September 2009

Mit dem Knudsen zurück in die Zukunft: Ford Taunus Knudsen
Low Budget Styling: Mercedes /8
California Look: VW Käfer
Dirty Rotten Car: Opel Kadett B
Hopped Up. European Hot Rod Culture
Für Reisende von Rang: Opel Diplomat V8
Im Westen nichts Neues: Trabant 601
Nur Fliegen ist schöner: Toyota Celica Supra
Sightseeing Rüsselsheim: 1. Ascona A/B IG Deutschland

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Clarithromycin Bad Tase

Südtirol spendet 2000 BiBiBags! - South Tyrol donates 2.000 BiBiBags!

Eine erfreuliche Nachricht:
Vor kurzem hat die autonome Provinz Südtirol den Antrag zur Unterstützung des BiBiBag Projekts akzeptiert und finanziert nun die Produktion von 2.000 Schultaschen für burmesische Flüchtlinge.
A pleasant announcement:
Recently the autonomic province of South Tyrol accepted the support of the BiBiBag project. That means that the production of 2.000 school bags is financially secure and can start to provide burmese refugee kids with water repellant school bags.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

How Many People Use Tesco Online

ABGEFAHREN #01 - erscheint am 15. Juni 2009

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: 2 VW Beetle
The first souped-Benz AMG
Andy porn way - BMW 635 CSI
presence of the Motor City: Detroit
A touch of sportiness: Opel Commodore B
a journey to the North Cape: VW Beetle
Boah Ey: Stands in front of the university Manta
A history: Saab Sonett
hero of everyday life: Ford Capri
The English Patient: Bedford Blitz

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Whisky Cask For Sale From Distillery

News # 9 Football during the summer holidays

The summer holidays start though only on 13.07. and end at 14.08. yet I sincerely apologize to announce the summer program:
As it was already the case last year, the proposal is to play flag football, encountered when one or other of interest to you. To determine exactly how many / some , I would like to ask that you register under the link below: To get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe whole, you can face here the pictures from last year . View

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sweaty Palms Pain The Left Shoulder

bowling in the spring break 2009

I would like to thank you for the fun night at the bowling and for those present there were the photos presented to motivate them for next time:

Bowling early 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How To Combine Chairs With Table

Directory tournaments 11

Hier könnt ihr euch für die kommenden Turniere des Jahres 2011 anmelden.

Solltet Ihr bei einem oder zwei, intresse zeigen, dann meldet euch bitte unter dem unteren Doodle Link an.
Die Infos zum jeweiligen Turnier sind ebenfalls unter den Links.
Im Verlauf des Jahres werden wohl noch weitere hinzugefügt.
Ich wäre auch froh über Informationen von eurer Seite.

Viel Spass beim anmelden:


Datum: 16./17. April 2011

Nachtturnier Frauenfeld
Datum: 07./08. Mai 2011

Stand 11.11.10

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Cats Ringworm Scab Just Halfway Came Off

News # 8 bowling in the spring break 2009

The next two Tuesdays (14.04. And 21.04.) Are in the spring holiday and so the hall is closed on those days.
is therefore again the possibility of a "non-sporting event" to start.
So how about bowling?

meeting would be the bowling alley in BeSeCo Rümikon-Winterthur.

Link to Doodle:

link to the Bowling Hall:

Sunday, March 29, 2009

How Compatible Are People With The Same Birthday

Seuzicup 09

Unfortunately, we do it, not in spite of new shirts, with a 2:3 a 1:1 and a 4-2 victory achieved in the next commit round but we had so much fun as you can see :

Seuzicup 09

I want our fans: Nicole (who took the course, despite her injury to himself), Werni and Thomas, for their Support Tung and of course all involved for participating!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Free Anniversary Speeches

News # 7 Night Tournament Frauenfeld

Ich habe ein Doodle aufgestellt wo Ihr euch für das Nachtturnier vom Sa 02.05.- So 03.05 anmelden könnt.

Der offizielle Anmeldeschluss ist der 31.03, deshalb möchte ich euch bitten euch bis zum nächsten Di 24.03. im Doodle eintragt, da wir damit sicherstellen, dass wir überhaupt noch Platz haben.

Link zu den Infos:

Link zum Doodle:

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Jc Penny Outlet Mills Mall

BiBiBag auf ORF „Südtriol Heute“ - Telecast BiBiBag on ORF „Südtriol Heute“

Der Beitrag „Design goes Burma berichtet über das „BiBiBag Schulranzenprojekt für burmesische Flüchtlingskinder, welches Max Stürzer mit der Südtiroler Help Without Borders organization has developed and carried out.
The short television report was broadcast on 25/11/2008 by 19 clock to ORF "South Today.

This Telecast design goes burma shows a short report about the school bag project BiBiBag for Burmese refugee kids , Which Max fallers developed together with the italian / NGO South Tyrollean Help Without Frontiers.
The telecast was shown on the 25th of november 2008 at 7pm on the austrian channel ORF "South Today.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Yamaha Versus Club Car

Der Baby BiBiBag ist da – The brand new baby BiBiBag

Heute wurde der Baby BiBiBag fertig! – Der Schulranzen ist im selben Designkonzept wie sein großer Bruder gestaltet und besteht aus den selben fünf Grundmaterialien: LKW-Plane, Bambus, Schnur, Rucksackband und Fairtrade-Baumwolle (Gewebt von Frauen in den Flüchtlingslagern). Von der Größe her ist er für Kinder im Kindergarten- und Grundschulalter geschaffen. In das Innenfach passen die nötigen Schulbücher im maximalen Format von DIN A4 and the food and drink is placed in the designated outside pocket. Thus, there are no unwanted association of curry and writing paper. So far, there is the baby BiBiBag only as a prototype. In order for the small satchel can go into production, are still looking for sponsors.
Who is interested in this project support, the / the contact "Help without Frontiers".

BiBiBag Today the baby was born! - The schoolbag is developed in the same design concept as his his brother and is made out of the same five basic materials: tarpaulin truck Bamboo, String, Backpack straps and fairtrade cotton canvas. (Woven by women in the refugee camps). Regarding the size, the baby BiBiBag is made for kids in the age of nursery- and primary school. In the inner pocket fit the school and exercise books up to DIN A 4 and the food carrier as well as the drinking bottle is put in the outside pocket. Thus there won't be any unmeant meeting between the curry and the writing paper. Until now the baby BiBiBag exists only as a prototyp. To get the production started we need some sponsors.

Monday, February 2, 2009

How Much For A Plumber To Raplace Tub Faucet

Ankunft der Materialien – Arrival of the materials

arrived today the last orders from Bangkok. Sometimes, two new sewing machines, three large rolls tarpaulin, many meters backpack strap and Velcro enough that you could fix an entire football team on the floor.
First, we have now integrated the three machines in the workshop und für Platz gesorgt für die etwa 150 kg PVC-Folien. In den nächsten Tagen geht es los mit der Produktion von 200 Schulranzen. Diese werden aufgeteilt in gelb und blau für Flüchtlinge in Thailand und dunkelgrün für die IDPs in Burma. Dazu kommt noch die Weiterentwicklung des BB-Bags, welche man dann vielleicht als Baby-BB-Bag bezeichnen könnte. Dabei handelt es sich um das selbe Schulranzen Konzept, doch ist es von der Größe und der Ergonomie auf Kindergarten und Grundschüler ausgelegt.

Today the last orders from Bangkok have arrived. In between the two new sewing machines, there are three big roles of truck tarpaulin and enough hook-and-loop fastener to fix a soccer team on the ground. 
First of all we integrated the nowadays three school bag sewing machines in the workshop and made place for the 300 pounds of PVC-canvas. In the next days we'll start the production of 200 school bags. There'll be divided in yellow and blue for the refugees on the thai side and dark green for the IDPs inside Burma. Furthermore there'll be a new design of the BB-bag, which could be called Baby-BB-bag. It's basically the same school bag concept, but the size and the ergonomic is designed for students of nursery school and primary school.  

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Where To Get Bionicle Kardas

Spielplätze für Flüchtlinge - Playgrounds for refugees

The Australian Marcus Veerman built with the help of many volunteers from around the world play areas for migrant schools around Mae Sot. Here is an impression ...

The Australian Marcus Veerman builds together with the help of many volunteers from all around the world playgrounds at refugee schools around Mae Sot. Here you can get a little impression ...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cheer Up Stroke Patient

News # 6 Seuzicup 2009 News Archive

Ein neues Jahr ein neuer Seuzicup:

It's that time again and at 28-29. March 2009, held this year Seuzicup.

the following 2 links you will find the official info as a doodle to our internal application.
depends whether we compete in the category Men's or Mixed ladies, of course, on how many sign up.

see the official info:

Link to Doodle:
http://www.doodle. com / participation.html? pollId = 7dh5ssmbnpyw9sxh

Pomada Brazilian Wikipedia

News # 1-zischtigsclub unihockey blog

News # 2 Summer Vacation program: Flagfootball

News # 3 Photos Training

News 4 team shirts

News # 5 Sandro's wedding

News # # 6 Seuzuicup 2009

News # 7 Night Tournament Frauenfeld

News # 8 bowling in spring break 2009

News # 9 Football during the summer holidays

News # 10 15 Floorball Tournament Night Red Lions Frauenfeld

News # 11 summer holiday program 2010

News #12 Zischtigsclub-Unihockey Team-Shirts

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Driver Quickcam Version 10.0a

Trip Nr. 3

Since 14 January, I am back in Mae Sot. The task for this Stay is to expand production de satchel. The test series of 20 pieces we have already ended and now we use our small budget for the next series to start with 200. Therefore we order the materials (PVC fabric, PP straps, string, etc.) need to wholesale market prices in Bangkok and it will take time, which will cut the people from the refugee village of the bamboo for this large number of school bags.
I'll Mae Sot, on 8 February 2009 and is expected to leave my last residence for the next time.
Since the 14th of january I'm back in Mae Sot. The task for this stay is to improve the production of the school bags. We finished the testing serie with 20 bags and now we're using our little budget to produce the first serie of 200 pieces. Therefore we need to order the wholesale materials (PVC-Canvas, PP-straps, strings etc.) from Bangkok and it'll take its time for the people from the refugee village to cut bamboo for this huge amount of bags.
I will leave Mae Sot on the 8th of february 2009 and this will be my last stay for the next time. 

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Pink Tinge To Cervical Mucus

News # 5 Sandro wedding

Hier noch der Link zu Sandros Hochzeitsfotos: