Sunday, November 30, 2008

What Are The 3 Most Common Pick 3 Lottery Numbers

Benefizkonzert & Vortrag an der FUB - charity concert & presentation at the Free University of Bolzano

In der letzten Novemberwoche fanden in Bozen zwei wichtige Veranstaltungen für das BiBiBag-Projekt statt. Zum einem sang der bekannte Bozner Chor „Flatcaps“ a benefit concert in the Franciscan church in Bolzano. The concert was a real success and the cash donations were also pleasingly high. The cold pews were fully occupied and people were interested not only in music but also to the presentation of Benno Röggla on 'Help without Frontiers and Max BiBiBag fallers on the project.
On 25 November were also Benno Röggla Max fallers and a lecture on the premises of the University's what the said Dean of the Faculty of Design and Art Kuno Prey introductory words.

In the last week of november have been two important events for the BiBiBag project. First there was a charity concert. The well known choir of Bolzano „Flatcaps“ sang for burmese refugee kids in the Franziskaner church in Bolzano. The evening was a real success and the cash donations were pleasantly high. All the cold church benches were taken and the people ware not just interested in music but also in the presentation of Benno Röggla about "Help Without Frontiers" and Max fallers abou the project BiBiBag.
On the 25th of november so they held a more detailed presentation at the Free University of Bolzano, where the dean of the Faculty of Design and Art Kuno Prey gave a little speech as well.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Are All Trailfires Tracks The Same

Open Courses through Web 2.0 technologies

At the 6th Darmstadt E-Learning from the TU Darmstadt on "software OpenLearn - open educational resources for all I could imagine my experience with various Web 2.0 applications in a presentation" Open courses with Web 2.0 technologies. "

The slides of the presentation can be viewed at and be downloaded as a PowerPoint file, if If you are registered there.

In preparation of the presentation I created an interactive mind map sharing course material, the various aspects of the paper reflects. In particular, you will find links to the tools I use.

The lecture was recorded by the e-learning center of the TU Darmstadt with the tool Lecturnity. Once the recording is available, I will publish the link here.

As always, you can get rid suggestions, tips, comments and information on errors in a comment at the bottom of this page. I look forward to!

Ulrich Schrader

Epididymitis And Motorcycling

blogs and wikis in education: Web 2.0 for Care Manager

alike in the art forum "Blended Learning in the Social and Health", which this time at the FH Frankfurt - held University of Applied Sciences, I had the opportunity at the very interesting event, a small Introduction to Web 2.0 and my experiences in the use of blogs and wikis as part of my events in the present study in Nursing Management.

Here are the records and films:

If you hints, tips, suggestions, call attention to errors, but simply as comments here on this page.

Ulrich Schrader

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cipralex And Smokling

TV-Sendung auf ORF – TV telecast on ORF

Tonight is Tuesday, 25.11.2008 at 18:30 h on ORF 2 - "South Today" a brief review sent via the school bag project. An hour later, at 19:00 h, it is also ORF 1 - to see "South Today" .

In the South Tyrol Alto Adige Newspaper of 23.11.2008, a prior notice to the event at the University of Bolzano published. Click here for program-to article ...

This evening on tuesday 11/25/2008 there'll be a telecast about the schoolbag:

The south tyrolian newspapar Alto Adige showed at little articel about the presentation in the university of Bolzano. Here you can have a look at the articel…  

Thursday, November 20, 2008

How To Convert Plug In Pendant Lamp To Harwire

News 3 photos Training #

Here are the photos of lezten Training:

Photos Training 11/18/2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Temperature And Goldfish Lab

Vortrag an der Freien Universität Bozen – Presentation at the Free University of Bolzano

25.11.2008, 19:00 h

fallers Max & Benny Röggla (Help without Frontiers) report on the situation of refugees ,
the projects at the Burmesisch-Thai border
and the first steps of a test series of school bags for refugee children a us Burma.
invitation of Help without borders

fallers Max & Benny Röggla (Aiutare senza Confini) raccontano la situazione dei profughi,
i progetti al confine della produzione e l'Avvio Tues cartelle scolatiche per bambini profughi birmanie.

fallers Max & Benny Röggla (Help without Frontiers) talk about the situation of the refugees,
the projects at the Thai-Burma border and the first steps of a testing series of schoolbags for refugeekids from Burma.