Sunday, August 27, 2006


lord levi and pensioners

Vorweg liebe Leser möchte sich LordLevi entschuldigen(das kommt selten vor , also geniesst es). Entschuldigen dafür, dass er sich längere Zeit nicht mehr gemeldet hat. Die Gründe hierfür sind längst genannt und ausgelustscht - Also you need for this kind of excuse not daring, why 'and' why 'shake of the hand, as if you had to explain to the girlfriend, so you get SMS with titles like "Anal pleasure for free".

So much for the obligatory introduction, of our German teachers contributed decisive for marking a work and has therefore permanently immortalized on my memory (Was that too much nerd?)
Anyway .... It is calling Live redesign ( 1) to mind. lord levi the great adventurers and explorers set out, to find a flat to the sweet life of Gammel students to explore. Dies gestaltete sich weit schwieriger als angenommen. Aus unerklärlichen Gründen divergierten die Interessen von LordLevi und dem arbeitsscheuhen Studentenpack so sehr auseinander, dass LordLevi froh war, bereits während der Besichtigung zeitlich das Weite segnen zu können.
Der geneigte Leser, wie ich ihn kenne, von Neugier und haltloser Wundernäsigkeit getrieben, lechzt förmlich nach einer anschaulichen Verdeutlichung der obgenannten Problematik.

LordLevi sass also in der Küche mit drei Mädels, deren WG ein Zimmer(welches ungefähr das Platzangebot eines Fiat Pandas aufwies) zu vergeben hatte. Von den Dreien, war eine ein „Tschääper“, which is German for urner, well - fat sack - and, in fact it was already clear that the room was not an option. Out of sheer courtesy lord levi then sat together but still with the girls, chatted a little and feigned keen interest in domestic banalities of everyday life, when he somehow came to talk to meat. This was a gross error as suddenly see the gloomy faces of the women was. It revealed to him the following:
women: "So yes even meat gaht nöd."

lord levi: "What?"

women: "So I ässed no meat"

lord levi: "Hmmmm"

women: "And my walls all around spread au nid that öpper cooked meat"

lord levi: "What?"

women: "Yes de Gstank the flesh RECOURSE for days i de Cookbook "

lord levi: " OK, but the restaurant villages dejenigi for scho meat ate "

women:" Yes scho, but it would scho better if nid, wäg de animal "

What you as a lover of large beef fillets and lamb rack say to that? lord levi it \u200b\u200bsuddenly in a hurry. The above mentioned conversation is an example of the belief of most WG's represent the lord levi has visited. A little disappointed if the one of the many adversities to be placed in the way he had buried the matter again. A few months later, plagued again by the relentless drive for change, he applied for a listing of two girls. Education students from the beautiful little country over the weekend and always with the parents. assigned to two rooms were the lord of Levi were then also taken.

Those are the facts in the demolition. My new living situation is also somewhat especially because the girls now for the first time to the end of October in Canada abide and lord levi So, the booth on their own. Enough time to mess with all the neighbors and bring the caretaker on the palm. What has also sometimes been implemented successfully, but as lord levi finds, not his fault.
As the living quarters majority, oh, what does the majority, EXCLUSIVELY, pensioners, half - three quarters - and quite senile Kukident users is populated, all of which are plagued follows from paranoia and boredom that which the poor lord levi a welcome change from VIEW and happiness Post crossword puzzles and bring them to pounce on him like vultures, are insane Practices are not uncommon.

My outside parking place, which forces me to my Stuttgart-star of adversity suspend the Swiss weather, is just around the corner. Apart from the fact that no direct way for the 100 meters there and lord levi therefore accessible through front yards creep must, without being in marching around the entire block, is the parking lot away about five yards from the balconies of the white heads that grateful for any excitement, all day hanging behind curtains and see if any who goes to his car, or ENVISAGES his car. About two weeks after I moved, I come on a Friday so against 20 clock by a small sailing with my brother on Lake Zug back as is on my parking Numero 9 is a minibus with Obwaldner indicator.

Ahaaa I think, because moves probably just someone on / off and roll my ship on the Park field number 8 and write, as it should be in the retired district, an admonitory note that the mini bus driver is on my space.

So I go to the van and carefully clamp the note under the windshield wiper so I ankeift someone from behind. I turn around and see an old couple that has a ground floor apartment selected for their habitation. The man is sitting, while the woman stands with both hands onto the site and having said:

de severally private space "

de staht uf mim bus parking lot and therefore I han en gstellt ufs Achti"

"But gaht nid, reserved de way! You dörfed det park nid "

" Yes, but how gseit scho because staht uf mim a parking lot somewhere and I had mis car park yes! "

" But de booked way! Fahred them off their car! "

" the table their parking lot? ", I ask visibly annoyed and aggressive undertone

„Aber de isch reserviert! Sie…“

„Isch das ihre verdammti Parkplatz!???!!!“ , unterbreche ich sie.

„Nei“, meldet sich ihr Mann, dem das irgendwie peinlich ist.

„Dänn gahts sie au verdammt nomal nüt ah!!!!“

„Was hät er gseit?“, fragt die Alte ihren Mann

„Dänn gahts sie au verdammt nomal nüt ah...“, wiederholt ihr Mann meine Worte.

Ich drehe mich weg und sehe noch wie die Alte their arms crossed and shaking his head as she snorted to herself, as opening a window on the first floor.

"Sueched öpper it?", Ask a woman.

"As a staht uf mim parking, they wüssed zuefällig who this manner?" question, I reply.

"That was a de Ma as upper, I saw him schnäll"

"That would be nice" , brawn I with a smile, while the old woman from before visibly offended still shakes his head.
I wait, as the Eingangstüre aufgeht und ein glatzköpfiger, tätowierter Bodybuilder, ungefähr 30, heraus tritt.

„Stahn ich uf dim Parkplatz?“, meint er freundlich.

„Schient so“

„Das isch de Parkplatz vo minere Fründin gsi, die hät de kündet voreme Monat und dänn ischer immer leer gsi drum hanen det ane gstellt, mir züglet ebe jetzt zäme und holed ihri sache“

„Mir ischs ja eigentlich glich gsi, aber die Alt hät gnervt“ , sage ich zu ihm während ich mit dem Kopf Richtung Hochparterrewohnung zeige.

grins The bald head and says in a volume that even deaf pensioners can clearly be heard (who incidentally now all gathered on their balconies and drama to follow, that they so unexpectedly at the end of the week out yet offers)

"Yes Weisch .... They are all assholes anyway because"

"Yes scho" , I give back just as loud.

Cheerful I see the bald head as he umparkiert his van and put my boat on the nine. I leave for about three minutes, the motor running, get out, go to the boot climb back on and still nestle around the glove compartment before I get to mention the eight-cylinder, good humored my shoulder bag and go like this, without once every balcony nice to smile.