The young families, however, besiege the plant and the downright annoying Brats running around like the nutty and beat with an iron-Liliput on the delicate and painstakingly maintained lawn. As if there were a prize for the deepest hole. The mothers stand around stupidly and gossip. What else, and they can not dream that maybe others - feel disturbed in their sleep and concentration - typically MOI. Is it asking too much, take the brats on Sunday just how far to McDonnald? Let them ride the adit Ronald him until the smile that goes by. But no, you go again on Sunday on the golf course. And also to dress accordingly. So purely in the Capri pants and the fat Gebärhüfte alert kept in the sun.
I watch as two fathers and talk to each other like vorschwärmen gifted but little Kevin was and how far the already small Mirko could hit the ball. And I see my two dads closer and wonder seriously, that were ever able to bear children, let alone talented. For if the same coordination skills of Genspenders a mannequin, the son is not much more than Pinocchio. When then is added also one of the two mothers with strollers and I use the word "diapers" Listen, I decide to undertake such a militant way, practice swings that, while neat clumps of grass from the Boden gehauen werden und in Richtung Störenfriede fliegen. Nach dem dritten Dreckklumpen welcher gegen den Kinderwagen prallt, beginnt die Mutter zu gackern: „Gaht’s nid chli vorsichtiger?“
Mit gelangweilter Miene entgegne ich ein „wie bitte? Ich ha sie akustisch nid verstande, ihri Plagegeister machet ebe so viel lärm“. Huiiii das war jetzt aber gar nicht nett. Das sehen auch die Väter so und nennen mich doch tatsächlich „fräche Siech“ Und ich hätte gefälligst Verständnis aufzubringen für die begabten Kevin und Mirko, denn schliesslich seien das noch Kinder. „ach ja? Seit ihne das Wort Kinderspielplatz öppis? Das wär’s doch hä? The all-bandi in combination teeth and uf de playground. And I han again mini Ruehe "This seems to work somehow not and the father of the talented Kevin says:" They gaht even nüt ah "
Now there is war my dear, I think, turn around, take the Sand Wedge out of my pocket and threshing massive full a 20 cm long and 10 cm wide piece of grass from the ground toward fathers. I miss the two barely meet, but the talented Kevin on the head. Strike! "Huere Tubel!, Chum Kevin gönder me, de Ma size: öppis gäg üs"